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New feature survey! Still got a bunch of new options from last time, so check it out! We're also asking about new game projects - we haven't asked this question in two years now, it seems, when we meant to ask it once a year. Now that ToA having a complete mode is in sight, we have our own ideas about what the timelines are going to look like, but we're curious what you guys think!

Note that it says "in parallel" since ToA is going to have plenty of work being done on it even after both adventure mode and story mode are complete. Our main hope is to have a venue for high fantasy/RPG ideas we have, and a venue for more modern stories and realistic scenarios, even if there are still fantasy elements. So if you've ever wanted to rent an apartment with Urka or the Dullahan think carefully about your choice!


Tales of Androgyny - Feature Survey #54

Feature voting! Bunny tier+ - next feature



"So if you've ever wanted to rent an apartment with Urka or the Dullahan think carefully about your choice!" The amount of characters in this game that I want to settle down with is stupidly large. So I actually kinda regret voting "Never", because I totally would enjoy an AU sort of deal with these characters involved. Remove 1 Bunny Never Vote, because I totally want that now.


" rent an apartment with Urka" so basically keep her bed warm and balls light? count me in!


I love your work, I really do! I just feel hesitant with this post. The current version is of the game is .3 so roughly a third of the way done-ish. Loosely. I saw this patreon for the game was opened in 2015. So six years to get a third of the way done. There's an end in sight? And you're looking for new patreons for a different game? I'm in no way trying to be rude. I'm just trying to understand the situation.


The version number has no bearing on completion % (why would it?). There's never going to be a version .4, though we might do a .9 pre-release version. This Patreon was not opened for the game, it was opened for our work - ToA development did not begin until the end of 2016, and we didn't make it fulltime for us until 2018. We plan for ToA to be done sometime next year, with the main adventure mode done this year.


Like I said in my original comment, I'm not trying to be rude. I appreciate your clarification. I see other artists with patreons who start an abundance of side projects and all of them suffer because time is split through all of them. This might be done on purpose to drag out production to squeeze more money from patreons. Im not saying you'd do that, but it happens a lot. I am glad you clarified it- thanks.


We never intend to be working on more than two games at a time - one being actively developed with weekly/monthly releases, and one being supported. We don't intend to start another until one is finished (although the next game may have its own lifecycle, which we'll talk about when we announce it). We've asked this same survey question a number of times now, stretching back over three years, so we can now the appetite people have for a new game. It doesn't indicate when we intend to start a new game beyond that.


ToA character: *Exists* Players: Does anyone here ever think about what it would be like to marry this character? To settle down with them? I think about it. A lot.