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We had a great time streaming last night - please join us next time if you can, the more the merrier! We previewed this image on it and worked up some fun stuff that we'll finish up and post for your viewing pleasure. :D

A hi-res version of this image is available in that dropbox folder if you have access!

Full story for this image coming up soon. For now, a snippet:

She felt a sudden, hot blast of goo in a rather unromantic portion of her anatomy, and knew that perhaps the most potent sperm known to man was now trapped in thick enough to chew semen, itself on a directed course to someplace that was definitely not her womb - her cramping stomach, where they would meet a rather ignoble end, and then an unceremonious burial would follow as she flushed all that super-sperm right down a toilet.

In other words, he had just creamed in her ass. Big time.

She felt her belly distend slightly to accommodate the load and knew that her intestines were getting stuffed full of that one-shot impregnating goo, and fantasized about one of her eggs quantum tunneling into her rectum and then back, just to balance out the probabilities. She shuddered through another, more low-key if still toe-curling orgasm as she felt the hot jet spray into the wall of her rectum that touched up against her uterus. She imagined herself sitting on a tupperware with a turket baster in hand - not the way she had imagined conceiving but necessity is the mother of invention - but as she came down off her lusty high, the idea seemed less appealing. She knew that the rectum and large intestine are several degrees warmer than the vagina - meaning that all those super sperm were roasting in her previously sperm-free oven, no matter how inviting and accommodating her ass-tunnel seemed to him, his cock, and his misguided swimmers and accompanying goo. She'd never considered herself much of a cook, but she was definitely making a roasted sperm pudding in her bowels - even as he pumped more and more of it inside, to her groaning, growing, uncomfortable tummy's dislike. She was still turned on enough that the tightening in her hot, soupy, waterlogged guts didn't bother her much, but she had a vague understanding that as the amount inside her increased, and her lust cooled, she was going to desire to do what he was doing - ejecting semen, forcefully, from inside of her. A firesale in the lab - everything must go. She'd never expelled semen from her cummed out butt before, but she was sure it was something humans could learn to do quite easily.




Lovely pic, and the snippet is awesome, I love your trap stuff but this ones are also welcome, great job. Curious because I fail to see what is the failure here.^^


Thanks guys! Question though, have you two ever considered making single images with the image and story in one? As it is now, I go scavenging for a story when I pass a great image from you guys and am reminded of it.


What do you mean by a single image with the image and story in one?


Outstanding. Enjoyed watching and chatting with you yesterday!