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(download link on the bottom - reminder that the Dropbox links are in posts tagged with "Dropbox link", which you can access from the left-hand "Featured Tag" section on our feed!)

Hayo! New weekly! This time around we've got the goblin anal animation (featuring customization options, as all new animations will) and the third world map area (not including the giantess mini-area). 

This new area is currently populated with existing encounters, but we'll be adding new encounters now that we have room to again. We originally envisioned four world map areas, and that might be what we stick with. For now we'll be fleshing out the second and third map areas, giving them their own unique features. 

We've got some new encounters with existing characters/species in the works, so some of those should be ready in the next weekly; nearly got done with the new ghost encounter but still want some more time with it. After that we'll be switching back over to story mode for a bit. The character animations are also coming along nicely!

As always, changelog is below, and convenience download link below that. Thanks for supporting us.

Version: - 2nd May Weekly

New features:  

  • Added Third World Map area
  •    - Accessible through Mossy Expanse Outpost
  •    - Added lava terrain feature
  • Added Get Up skill for facesitting

New content: 

  • Added Goblin Anal animation with Hiro customization support
  • Added some additional variants to Ghost Anal art

Tweaks and bug fixes: 

  • Fixed Advantage mechanic functionality
  • Added Bunny Girl cowgirl art to Pervert screen
  • Fixed Slime softlock
  • Fixed typos

Hi-Res Art and Tales of Androgyny Weekly Updates (Bunny Tier+) - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7vxzjnj66o4nnex/AAAGjCGiAEL8vrA5oQkqKHoFa?dl=0 Password:  UQZhuNbYCtCn




This new build seems to crash a lot between Loading scenes.. not sure why. Any debug info I can send? >Android version (Samsung S9+)


cant load the launcher here's what the error file says( com.badlogic.gdx.utils.SerializationException: Unable to convert value to required type: ) I've tried uninstalling the entire game and reinstalling it still get this error


By the way, while we are "here", is there anybody who could provocate a standing anal (as top or as bottom) during a duel? Majalis, if nobody knows, is there any solution? If not, could we have skills in other stances leading to these stances? As at now, taking skills within these categories appears pointless, unless they exist for future developments.


Use the Full Nelson ability. Several of the enemies (notably Brigand and Orc) will use it on you, as well.


Ok, I found it now. And also skills such as Kiss, Whisper and Fondle. A large field of new enjoyments. Sorry for bothering and thanks a lot :)


The Android version crashes after 5-6 moves

John Smith

"Added some additional variants to Ghost Anal art" Clarification on this? Because there doesn't seem to be any differences or additions between what's included in this version and previous versions...


Wedding (Cum) was previously not accessible in game, nor was Wedding (Both), which I realize wasn't in the Pervert screen, but I just added it.


Heya, I'm wondering what the 'advantage' status does in combat and what moves does it empower? How does it benefit Hiro?