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Hayo, devlog-chan here~

So we have a schedule that lists out all of the art, animations, and other asset work we plan to do for the year. It has placeholders for the survey winners and the like, but it's a basic roadmap that lets us know how we're doing time-wise, what comes next, reminds us what to post and what we'll need to set aside implementation time for, etc. It's handy!

Last year we'd been trying to steal unscheduled time for UI work, and that worked pretty well for a while, but when we upped the pace on non-UI art work it slowed the UI work down too much. So we took the remaining UI work and spread it out based on the pace we wanted to set and actually scheduled time for it, and found that all the high priority UI stuff could be done by October, as well as all of the idle animations for the remaining characters, and all of the survey obligations. 

And while that lined up pretty nicely, we want to start adding new characters again so we can finish up story mode and just have some fun designing new characters and scenarios for them, and a prerequisite for that was that we wanted to make sure the idle animation backlog was empty - reason being, we want to animate new characters as they're introduced from now on. 

So we took a look at the schedule, and realized that if we slot in the remaining animations, we can have most of them done by the end of May, and the last two done in June/July. So we shuffled things around, and long story short (too late!), that means that we'll be done with idle animations in the coming months, and also we'll be adding new characters!

That does mean May is going to be The Month of Animations though - ideally they'll be broken up with new art as much as possible, but in short order we're going to animate the Angel, Mermaid, Spider, and Mouth Fiend. With those done, and only the Innkeep and Shopkeep remaining, we'll be in a good position to start adding new characters again.

It's not exactly earth-shattering, but it does mean we'll have one of those long-term goals (close out the animation backlog) done, and that means on months that we don't add a new character, we'll be adding even more art, improving the existing animations with facial expressions, attack and hit animations, and the like, and animating more sex scenes, all while still finishing up the UI.

So look forward to the character animations being done, and a new character option once again appearing on the survey! \o/



Could you post the schedule for us to see? I know there things I would like to prioritize, but just knowing they are the schedule would make a world of difference.


That is awesome. I do have to ask a question though: when will you guys do a play through and spot all the text errors? Some text repeating / resetting / playing multiple options for the same instance instead of just one. Also, there are multiple instances throughout that don't acknowledge chastity, or if they do the previous bug happens too causing both chastized and non-chastized dialogue to play. Minor things, just some polish that would be appreciated


Oh how exciting!

Joseph Stalin

I'm glad you guys have this so well organized! Keep up the brilliant work!


There's no way we can do a single playthrough and spot all of those - there are far too many branches. We do occasional run-throughs to try and find things like that, which is why typo fixes are so common in the changelog. If you see some repeating text or a scene that doesn't acknowledge a chastity cage, we fix those immediately when they're called out.


Most of those things are scheduled as placeholders because they're decided by survey, ie "June Animation Winner", or we decide what artwork would be ideal leading up to when we'll work on it. The concrete stuff is the idle animation order and UI work, mostly.


I need to say this... The combat in your game, though simple and easy once you know how to build and play - is honestly just fun. I know this is unrelated to the post but I'll honestly just load the game up and do random encounters on my phone when I'm bored


We're glad you like it! We're expanding the sex combat now, and the regular combat'll be less easy once it's complete.


indeed keep up the work love what you make.


Is the witch going to be getting any expanded content, in story or sandbox mode?