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http://majalistic.blogspot.com/2015/05/sketch-factory.html The Patreon Sketch Factory Release #2 is out! That's twenty-five new sketches to vote on! If you haven't already, you can switch your accumulated votes to any of the new sketches (one time only for these). If you haven't currently voted for ANY sketches, give these a look; maybe one will spark your interest. Sorry for the delay on Double Play - it's almost done and will be posted up here soon. The next winner, #5, is Futa Food. If you voted for Futa Food, you should make a new selection, choosing from one of the 45 remaining sketches. If this locks you into a never-ending nightmare of indecision like the proverbial goat, we take no responsibility. If you have any questions about the way voting works, or if you'd like to take a peak and ask us how your selection is faring, send us an email at either majalis.patreon@gmail.com. :D


Majalis's Gallery: Patreon Sketch Factory

Captions indicate a sketch's sketch name; include that in your email to our patreon email (visible in the patreon activity feed) to tell us which sketch you intend to vote for. (we'll explain story voting when we get that set up).



So many options, so few votes, is part of the magic thought