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Hayo! Devlog-chan here! First, a quick update: aside from the stuff below, we're working on the scene where Hiro has sex with the mermaid, prostitution scene expansion, ogre expansion, and some odds and ends (before tackling the new chastity stuff). Anyway, on to the topic at hand!

So as we've mentioned a few times, we've been working on Hiro's animation. It's coming along well, and we're going to have the upgraded version in the upcoming weekly, with the rest of the new features for it hopefully in the following weekly. A quick breakdown of what that entails: new skins, upscaled resolution and accompanying improvements to the level of detail for every skin and Hiro's base, animated facial expressions, the ability to select hair color, eye color, and skin color, new animations, and belly, breast, and cock animation/variance. Everything but the new animations and the belly, breast, and cock work is going to be in the weekly. \o/

The new skins are Bitch and Bunny, which you've likely already seen. Bitch will be used for werewolf related stuff, and Bunny will be for waitress/brothel stuff.

We upscaled the resolution to get higher levels of detail (most of the other animations are actually at this higher resolution already), and went through each and every outfit and improved them, but this broke the animation so we basically had to rework it from scratch, which just about doubled the amount of time this took. C'est la vie. Thankfully, it's behind us now, and so that's all done with.

Hiro will now emote with new facial animations to respond to things, currently supplementing and eventually replacing his facial portrait (outside of battle, at least).  We're really proud of these, and while there's about half a dozen to start, there'll definitely be more.

Hiro can now have a multitude of hair colors, some of which are currently skin only, but you can also select from the character customization menu. Also true of eye colors, and skin colors, although those might be locked to racial selections, and we're still working on those.

Hiro's original animations (just his idle animation and title screen animation) have been completely redone (as a necessity). Hiro now stands more naturally on the title screen, and responds to occasional gusts of wind. 

For the following weekly, new animation-wise, we're probably going to do a few to start that will complement the facial expressions with full body expressions (Hiro looking bashful, Hiro looking angry, Hiro slapping his ass flirtatiously, or jumping with surprise), and we have a list of other animations we'd like to do that are lower priority. Before we do those, we'll probably do the belly, breasts, and cock animation (and variations based on the character customization choices/current status). 

Now that this is done, on the next survey we'll probably ask about what things you'd like to see in terms of the animation... and yes, we will also be adding things like facial expressions and variant animation to the existing character animations, as well as to sex animations, and we'll be making new sex animations as well! The word animation now looks like gibberish, so this seems like a good place to end the post. Hope you like animation, you animated fiends,  you!



Hot damn, looking forward to all the Hiro updates and content!