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Before we dive in: just a quick digression for those who were asking who the Evoker is on the survey: the evoker is a very old character of ours, a femboy demonologist who summons demons to extract their... essence, and in doing so grows more powerful. We plan to make them an unlockable extra class at some point, once we meet our next goal milestone. They'll play differently, and be the first non-Hiro playable character.

Anyway, now for the survey responses. Here they are, the original survey suggestion, and our response. We also added a bunch of suggestions to the actual survey, so if you have access to that, check it out.

We'll need a way to differentiate suggestions from responses... why not, oh, S for Survey, and M for Majalis.

Survey Stuff

S: A way to jump to selections in the skill list and possibly a "helper" that gives warriors tips and recommended skills (That could have a secret majalis flair)

M: There's currently that if I'm reading this correctly - check the bottom of the current skill selection page

S: Stacking on items in the inventory

M: When we do the inventory UI, this'll be part of it

S: I just want hiro to lick more balls tbh dude

M: Same

S: Is it possible to add a reach around action for when being face-sat in combat, analingus is good but still stalls the fights on for some characters. Also I would like the option to masturbate anally during combat sex positions like tandem stroke but fingering yourself. Would be nice to see more consequences if you're caged or no dick available in combat to make it more sexy/difficult.

M: Yeah, I think we should add those.

S: Maybe "romance" ? That could allow to have more interaction with specific character, but without being forced having them as companion ? Like for the goblin who does not look to move that much, or the jester ! For knowing more of them !

M: Yeah, this is what we're getting at with the Affection system, which we'll start extending to more characters

S: Ability to converse with enemies like Harpies and Giants

M: Hell yeah, my dude

S: the ability to spar with trudy and urka after they join your party

M: Ah, yeah, good call - Urka has a sparring option, but only before she joins

S: Add event only scenes to the pervert screen, not just enemy encounters.

M: We've started to do that, though a few are still missing

S: An in-game decision tree when you have to choose so you can ses all the paths youve taken and thebones you can take

M: This was already voted on - the Scene Branch Viewer. It'll be a while, but a few of these suggestions are this or would be taken care of by this once it's done.

S: show character changes (I.E. femininity, booty size, facial expressions) and different outfits on Hiro in character window

M: We're working on some of that right now, actually!

S: A god mode option. Atleast until the game is complete so i dont have to go through the level grind every time theres a new update.

M: Cheat mode in the options menu!

S: Tattoos with magic or cursed effects

M: We'll add this to the feature survey at some point, but there were higher priority ones we've added for now.

S: The feature of you realizing you're doing a great job. Keep it up!

M: Sorry, that's out of scope ;o;

S: a gloryhole place to earn money within a town/brothel

M: We actually do have a gloryhole/blowjob minigame planned, but it'll be post-release. We'll add it to the feature survey when the time is right.

S: Raquel cameo encounter

M: :3C

S: Maybe preset characters for free play, its bother to make new one on each play-through, even if i wont change much or anything at all.

M: If you Game Over, and then just hit continue, it'll start a new game with your last character configuration. We'll probably make this more obvious in the future, or even introduce true presets as a survey option.

S: The "Free Cock" criteria shouldn't always disqualify both caged and impotent phalli. The Dullahan girlfriend option and consequent scene could work just as well with only minor alterations with both a hard and soft dingus. If this isn't too much of a nitpick, I would suggest adding a separate check on "Can Penetrate" in addition to "Free Cock".

M: Yeah, we've started to distinguish these in checks, but not yet in requirements for dialogue options. 

S! M! S! M! S! M!  |ノ_-)ノ 



So I have a question for you two. Whats going on with the "bitch" costume for Hiro? Under the outfit selector swapping to bitch choice just leaves Hiro in their vanilla attire. Im guessing the costume isn't done or implemented? Is there some inside joke and that's why it doesn't change? Anyway good work and thanks for the awesome game, looking forward to the Envoker :3


Are you going to do art/animations for when hiro dominates or tops an enemy?

wing hero

i have a small problem with the witch animation and its the footing it feels off balanced but its more because it just looks weird


Are you going to put in art for when hiro tops/mounts the centaur/unicorn after beating them? You have if you lose where they mount you, but only text if you win and mount them.


Is the witch ever going to get any sexy time moments?