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  • New Art - Golem Pistoning MC, Goblin Facial POV 
  • New Animation -  Lupa the Werewolf 
  • Expanded Encounter -  Ogre 
  • New Feature -  More cock adornments/chastity cages (e.g. cock ring, magical vibrating cage) 

Heyo! New survey results!  Golem Pistoning MC and Goblin Facial POV  are complete. The werewolf expansion went well last month, and Ogre is a good candidate for expansion as well, so that should be fun.  We'll be doing the Lupa the Werewolf animation probably later this month, and the chastity cage and cock adornments stuff as well, while we try to hammer out some of the foundational stuff like UIs and Hiro's dynamic appearance.

We'll be going through the list of feature and content requests to determine what to add to the survey being published tomorrow!



Nice I'm all about the dick oranaments


New cages and other ornaments!? I thought this day would never come 🙏


+6 to Love of giant folk 🤩....maybe even some ogre shacking