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Our first (of three) Succubus-tier sketches! Morgana x Sona of LOL, Funny story, we accidentally did this pairing the wrong way around first because we have no earthly idea who these characters are, and so we ended up doing both ways (attached, hi-res!). For those who didn't see, our three Succubus-tier backers get sketches of their choice every two months, public or not. This one has graciously been made public, and will appear in the second Sketch Factory release to be voted on as a potential full picture. The other two are completed, but it remains to be seen if they'll be made public. For now, enjoy!




Great job Guys! I main support and I am glad to see Morgana tapping that ass (^ ^)b


Love it! You guys are amazing at what you do.


I am also not very into LOL but the picture is great, cool job.


morgs face looks a little funny