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Hey patrons, There's been some confusion about the vote process. We've still got our Vote FAQ up if you click the banner on the home page, but we thought we'd clear up a few things here, and sorry for the confusion. D: Voting is currently open! And will remain open forever and ever. We'll be calling the second sketch winner on the 11th of June, but if you haven't already selected a sketch (now, or by then), you should! If you're backed at Pony Tier ($3) or higher, you're accumulating votes every two weeks (how many determined by your tier). You can select a sketch from the sketch factory (which, if it wins, will become a fully colored picture), AND you can select a story from the story factory (which is a picture that, if selected, will get a full story chapter). Your votes will accumulate on this sketch/story until it's the highest voted one, at which point, it wins, it gets taken out of the voting process, and we'll do our magic. At that point, you can immediately select a new sketch/story, no waiting necessary. The whole voting thing is on two week cycles. That Vote Ending post we made for 5/29 was about our initial story nominees, which is over, but the voting continues! If you haven't yet voted for a sketch or a story, and you're a $3+ backer, you should! If we make another sketch release, you can change your votes to one of the new sketches if you like it more than any of the sketches in the current release, so there's no drawback. Again, sorry about the confusion! As an apology, and a thank you for getting us to 100 patrons, here's more trap booty!




Ok, glad there is a need for a clarification, as it meant more trap booty. ^^