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Fourth September weekly, and a juicy one at that. Coming as a surprise, we've got some nice new companion scenarios with new lovely art, featuring Trudy and Kylira predominantly, with Urka and Hiro making, er, partial appearances. We've also got futa variants (activated with the Futa+ option) of the Centaur Camp and Innkeeper scenarios, as well as expanded dialogue in the battles with the Brigand and Gobbo. We've also added a cute new cursor for use in game.

On the feature side of things, you can now right click on desktop to hide UI on encounters and in battle, we added hover descriptions for the various bonuses on the bonus screens, and on the character screen both your base stats and current stats are displayed. On the back end we've also added support for hi res images, so people who play in full screen on high resolution monitors will, hopefully soon, have nicer looking CGs and such, without affecting anything for everybody else.

We're currently playing through the game and finding out what needs more polish, more love, or fixing, and taking notes for what larger efforts we'd like to undergo - in the next few updates, we'll probably be focusing on the battle UI overhaul and finishing the World Map framework - once that's all in place, we can start tackling any performance or usability issues on those two screens, as well as combat balance, adding tutorials and the like, and fleshing out the existing combat encounters (and the non-combat encounters around them)

As usual, enjoy! Changelog below, and convenience download link below that.

Version: - 4th September Weekly

New features:

  • Can now right click to hide UI in encounters and battle
  • Added hi res image support for full screen on large monitors, hi res images haven't been added yet
  • Added hover over descriptions for bonuses on bonus screen
  • Character screen now displays both current and base stat totals

New content:

  • Hiro x Trudy x Kylira scene
  • Urka x Hiro x Trudy x Kylira scene
  • Trudy and Kylira art - Includes variants with Urka and with Hiro
  • Futa+ centaur encounter 
  • Futa+ Inn encounter
  • Added dialogue to Brigand battle
  • Added dialogue to Goblin battle
  • Added misty forest background to certain encounters
  • Added a new custom cursor

Tweaks and bug fixes:

  • Increasing your magic score improves mana after character creation
  • Updated Title screen UI
  • Tweaked the character creation UI
  • Fixed selection colors on bonus screen
  • Fixed "Show" and "Hide" labels on encounter button
  • Fixed overlaps on character screen
  • Fixed typos

Hi-Res Art and Tales of Androgyny Weekly Updates (Bunny Tier+)https://www.dropbox.com/sh/atj4xpzb7oy77eu/AADTHFoCSrmryWR-G2o0m1yKa?dl=0 

Password: Zse8RwY5Xm5W




Gods I love Kylira.


Not sure if its just me but i'm finding centaur to be a rare encounter


Could be a map region thing. She's usually only in early- to mid-game areas (e.g. between start and a bit before the monster town.)


I haven't been able to figure out how to get the Urka x Hiro x Trudy x Kylira scene


Futa+ centaur encounter is supposed to toggle for a male centaur?


when you visit the inn for the third time without money it still says go to HIS room not hers.


Ah, yeah, the dialog choices weren't set up, I set them up now.


more goblin butt please majalis sama :D


where the scene with just hiro x trudy x kylira ? please :)


When was the last update to the story mode. Has anything new been added within the last 3 months?


Recently, whenever I pass on my saves to next updated game, the newer pics dont unlock in pervert images. Everything from 2.04.1 and up will show ingame but not in the pervert images. Edit: Re unzipped 2.04.4, did a new game without passing over toa-data; still no signs of newer pics in pervert menu once done. Can anyone else confirm?