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Hope everyone's northern-hemisphere summer has been great, heatwaves and wildfires aside! July was pretty great for us, as we managed to secure new collaborators (there'll be a post about that soon) to help us, we're nearly finished with the original backlog for ToA that we filled out almost two years ago, and we answered some design questions that had been lingering for a while.

We'll get to the content first, since that's the meat and potatoes - we have the lovely wasp lady above and her full encounter, a mysterious vampire hunter lady with an ill-fitting codpiece, the ogre now has a femme counterpart who is still just as terrifying, there are over half a dozen new encounters, large and small, including a doppelganger encounter, a thief encounter, an aggressive harpy encounter, a cultist encounter, another semi-hidden cameo encounter, a stockades scenario for thieving with companions, an expanded Brigand encounter, and some more mini-world map encounters. To make room for these and new encounters, we expanded the world map for the first time in a while, creating a second zone (adjacent to the Giantess' valley map), where a lot of these new encounters are populated.  We've also added a wiggly warlock animation, a new slash animation for combat, Dullahan x Hiro x Dullahan art, and a bunch of new, original music courtesy of A Complete Spiral.

The feature side of things, as we get to the end of the original backlog, is also pretty full and diverse - we added an Ironman mode, which fits the original design of the game as a roguelite. Achievements gained in Ironman count for double, and are recognized as such.  We upgraded the enemy AI in our first major AI revision, so that we can start making the enemies act in more interesting, fun, and balanced ways.  The speaker of a line of dialogue is now displayed, making it easier to follow what's going on, and that same tagging will be used when more than one character is being displayed at a time. We've improved scouting and made it clearer how it should be used, we've made some changes to food that makes it more balanced (foraging will soon be changed completely from its current incarnation to bring it more in line with the original design), we've added enemy levels to start introducing a more robust difficulty curve, and we've added some new abilities to flesh out combat, particularly around oral stances.

We've also made various improvements to the engine, getting us closer to supporting multiple-enemy combat, and even combat between two NPC characters, as well as some data-driven changes that get us closer to modding potential.

For those that have seen the weeklies: the new stuff is new music in the ogre scene and a few other places, the Warlock animation, and world map keyboard controls, along with some various fixes, including fixing disconnected world map zone 2 spawn points that some people were experiencing.

As promised - the Domme update changelog.  Check the Dropbox link tagged posts to find the actual download links!

Version - "Domme" update

New features:

  • Implemented Ironman mode
Disables any saves but autosaves
Will have its own save slots eventually - currently exists only in the autosaves
Records for Ironman are displayed on the progress screen
Achievements that are gained in Ironman have an asterisk next to them on the progress screen and count for twice the bonus points
  • Upgraded enemy AI so that they take more intelligent actions, will continue to improve it
Aroused enemies will not be as violent
Healthy, non-aroused enemies will be more aggressive
Certain enemies will have different, more unique behavior
  • Speaker of a given line is now displayed
  • Revamp to how scouted information is displayed, making it clearer and improving its focus
  • Character screen now displays metabolic rate
  • Added keyboard controls (up/down arrows) for success/forced failure on encounter checks
  • World map transition contains a little cute animation
  • Being full of eggs now increases metabolic rate because you're eating for two... dozen
  • Can now handle fighting two enemies at once, though no battle currently implements it
  • Added support for data-driven techniques
  • Created encounter variables for more dynamic encounter possibilities
  • Simplified encounter script
  • Wearing a tail plug now arouses characters with bestial sensibilities
  • Beads cause pleasure when pulled out
  • Added new Combat Dodge learnable ability
  • In options menu, X to indicate that an option is selected
  • New 69 skills
  • Implemented higher level enemy encounter variants
The brigand now occurs in the more difficult area at a higher level
This affects combat statistics as well as encounter checks
This will not replace variant encounters (e.g. feral werewolf), but will make enemies appropriately difficult for their spawn location
  • Added keyboard controls to world map (for now, 'U' and 'J' to move the selection, enter to make selection)

New content:

  • Wasp Futa encounter
Variants for scouting and stealthing
Powerful combatant with a variety of techniques, appears in the far side of the map
Oviposition available
  • Church encounter with new Vampire Hunter NPC
  • Vampire Hunter story mode encounter 
  • A lot of new music courtesy of A Complete Spiral
  • Added Warlock animation
  • Added Dullahan anal art
  • Added a Doppelganger encounter
  • Added a new world map zone to explore - mostly populated with newer encounters
  • Updated the slash animation
  • Added an achievement for defeating the boss of Mount Xiuh at level 1
  • Thief encounter
  • Aggressive Harpy encounter
  • Cultist encounter
  • Cameo encounter
  • Tiara of Control added to witch's shop as a preview
  • Ogre femme art
Can toggle whether ogre is masculine or futa in the options menu (Futa is default on)
Encounter is currently identical aside from pronouns, but may have alternate scenes in the future
  • Stockade with companions scene
Scene with Trudy
Scene with Kylira
Scene if you have both
  • Brigand 69 scene (option when you avoid combat by spotting her)
  • Brigand bribe scene
  • New church scenes if you've seen a werewolf/ghost/dullahan
  • New Food Cart mini-encounter 
  • New Ranger mini-encounter

Tweaks and bug fixes:

  • Upgraded enemy equipment and damage on certain enemy attacks
  • Lowered enemy auto-arousal rate
  • Increased Ogre damage mitigation and health
  • Fixed enemy paper dolls
  • Fixed choice in harpy divebomber encounter
  • Can now click through enemy portraits on the Pervert screen
  • Ghost can't fall down anymore
  • Removed resolution and preload options from Android version
  • Food gains and losses adjusted
  • Added minimum metabolic rate
  • Checks get reset properly in encounter loops
  • Temporarily, Town of Monsters shop theft scene is the same as Silajam's
  • Fixed Android issue that caused animation textures to blank out when the game was suspended
  • Fixed Oral Knot ending indicator




is there a dl link ?




Why does this version for droid keep crashing?


I am also getting a crash for story mode on windows.


Do you guys plan on making it so you can beat the game purely via seduction? 90% of the battles you can only win that way a couple times before getting a game over and it kinda stinks.


How do you reach the new map area with new encounters? I can see some map points to the right of the path that leads to the giant valley but there isn't a connecting path to those points.


How do you reach the new area? Tried the gigantess area, but cant find a way forward. Playing on android.


It's next to the entrance to the giantess area on the original map.