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We've fixed a bunch of issues related to the technique refactor - mostly enemies using skills they shouldn't be able to use or using moves at the wrong time. We also fixed a few other bugs, mainly the goblins never tiring out, the goblin face-sitting art not displaying, and the choke skill being usable at 0 stamina and reducing the enemy below -5 stamina.

Please make sure if you're reporting bugs at this point that you've got v0.1.28.5, as it'll make it easier to make sure we're not chasing down already fixed issues. Thanks! Note that this link is the same link, so if you already downloaded it from the other link, but did so recently, you may have v0.1.28.5 anyway - you can see the version number on the main menu, and also faintly on the world map screen. :D



the brigand still is laying eggs


Dangit, I fixed it, then I unfixed it with another change. A new version's going up now to fix that - it'll be obvious because I changed the splash screen background color to teal.


how do you start the mouth fiend quest again?


Sir can u update the change log?


i havent downloaded this yet. but i wonder if u caught the brigade bug were she lay eggs in you and it never stops looping


The changelog for v0.1.28.4 has everything in this one, minus the bug fixes basically - v0.1.28.4 was the version released last night.


Yep, all those weird cross-enemy skill usage bugs were fixed in this one. As Star Lord noted above the Brigand egg laying got added back in by accident, but I released a new version (you'll know you've downloaded it if the opening background color is blue) that fixed it.


yo yoi. that's from one piece


Okay so I'm having some MAJOR issues with my build, and i'm not sure what's going on and if someone can help. I downloaded the latest build for windows 64bit, playing story mode. 1) I can't level up my character. Everytime I hit "level up" nothing happens, and then I have no points to allocate. The button then changes to "learn skills" which I don't have yet. 2) every encounter I somehow lose my weapons and anything in my inventory that isn't the starting gear you start with. 3) when I fight with Trudy, I suddenly lose the ability to use magic, like the option for it just disappears.


I think that the second and third issues might be tied to the first - you can't level up in story mode, so that option shouldn't be there at all. Clicking it might have some weird effects.