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Second weekly of the year!  Major item in this one is the lust and arousal overhaul - a lot of the weird features of the old system (like taunting until an enemy would repeatedly cum in one turn) have been completely changed.  There'll be more work on this as we build it out, but we now have a functioning arousal system based on fetishes and scenarios.

Other big thing which is related is the new Seduction stance, as well as a few more seduction techniques and sex techniques to accompany the new system.  As an example, you can now slap your ass until you convince an enemy to fuck it, then stroke yourself off while they have it.  You can also convince an enemy it's a good time to get it up the butt, and then go to town on them, as part of a more general effort to include topping options (there's even now a "Top" perk you can level up).  

 We've made the Mouth Fiend a little more accessible as well, for anyone who was still having trouble reaching her (hint: hire Rose twice, get banned from the Brothel, then visit the Town Square)

There's also just a ton of tweaks and changes and fixes for long-outstanding bugs detailed below.  Less sexy, but some of them are sure to be pleasers.

The one thing we didn't get to is alternate branches for lust, but those'll be in the next batch.

Changelog below:


  • Arousal received a major update
  • Different enemies now have different fetishes and are aroused accordingly
  • Lust is now separate from arousal, and is a percentage, building up over time and only reduced by cumming - affects combat strength and will have an impact on encounter branches for high or max lust-  lust is visible on Character screen
  • Fixed receptive anal not causing arousal without Weak to Anal perk (Weak to Anal still doubles said arousal)
  • The players fetishes change accordingly with the various perks, causing additional arousal and higher lust reduction from orgasm
  • Seduction techniques arouse someone based on their type - seducing someone (or arousing oneself) by appealing to a desire to be topped or bottomed anally or orally, for instance
  • Ejaculating now reduces stamina by a large amount
  • Implemented alternate Game Over screens - currently Mouth Fiend is the only one
  • Implemented Seduction stance and a suite of techniques to use in it
  • Added some new anal sex topping techniques, as well as stroking skills while receiving
  • All Catamite checks in encounters now replaced with either having Catamite, Anal Addict 3, Cock Lover 8+, or Lust > 75
  • Current scouting score displayed on world map screen (little eye icon)
  • Added alternate route to Mouth Fiend for high perception characters (revisit town square)
  • Rose deepthroat charisma check is now much higher - failing it accesses Mouth Fiend quest
  • Expanded Ivy Brothel scene slightly
  • Reduced damage and bleed of Overrun (making it easier to knock down enemies without killing them)
  • Added cums sounds to combat
  • Added more combat dialog (particularly for Quetzal)
  • Added statuses for low HP/Stamina or high lust to the battle screen, reduced how much an impact these have on current Strength
  • Added "Top" perk that increases arousal from being on top
  • Added level display to world map
  • Can now initiate grapple or otherwise pounce on enemies from Balanced or Offensive stances, as long as other conditions are met
  • Attacks while knocked down will no longer destabilize a character, helping to avoid stunlocks
  • Fixed bug that allowed you to ride unrideable enemies
  • Fixed Well Rounded perk
  • Fixed some more encounters that did not test for chastity (Brothel)
  • Fixed some stances not trigger erotic text
  • Fixed battle hover - now properly displays stat modifications by status
  • Typo fixes and some slight scene rewrites




Since I never spoke it out clearly. I say it now... I love this game I really love and seeing thats only the the pre alpha makes me even more happy. But there is one thing right now thats a bit of a riddle for me. Is it possible that the places you have already visited gain a new host? Like dont visit a place for 2 or 3 days and another "monster/enemie/"partner"" spawns or am I just stupid. So I have to restart from the very beginning everytime to get new/old encounters.


Currently there aren't respawns - I think the next feature that's winning is actually respawnable encounters (and while we're at it, we'll extend the current encounters so they have some replayable aspects to them). So that'll be coming in a few weeks. :D


Question about the seduction stance thingamajig: I get that supposedly enemies will have certain fetishes, so certain teases will be more effective than others, but will a specific fetish's tease make the enemy more likely to engage in that fetish? Say using the Rub tease making an enemy more likely to ride the protagonist instead of facefuck or what-have-you when the protagonist is supine?


Yep, although currently enemies are pretty reactive, with rudimentary AI, so if they get you into one stance or the other, they're just gonna go for it.


Quetzal seems to have a case of ED, when i fight her when she uses "Harden" it does not expand dong, and the encounter cannot end unless you kill her. So i can't see the new combat text sadly, it was working fine last weekly though.


Damn, I kept testing her specifically... let me check it out. Probably one of the last things I did broke her.


The game is crashing whenever the lady from the new encounter knocks you out, here's my error log:


java.lang.NullPointerException at com.majalis.world.GameWorldFactory.getGameWorld(GameWorldFactory.java:119) at com.majalis.screens.ScreenFactoryImpl.getCurrentContextScreen(ScreenFactoryImpl.java:248) at com.majalis.screens.ScreenFactoryImpl.getScreen(ScreenFactoryImpl.java:121) at com.majalis.screens.AbstractScreen.showScreen(AbstractScreen.java:51) at com.majalis.screens.EncounterScreen.render(EncounterScreen.java:138) at com.badlogic.gdx.Game.render(Game.java:46) at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl.LwjglApplication.mainLoop(LwjglApplication.java:223) at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl.LwjglApplication$1.run(LwjglApplication.java:124)


That's odd... could you send me your save.json file from the crash in a DM?


I have an issue, i download the game but it wn't open I download the Exe file


You have to download the zip file that's in the Current Weekly folder.