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2018 begins!  The changelog for this one is a doozy.  As expected, we got a lot done. :O

The full changelog's below, but some major highlights of the new update to ToA: Permanent save files, new World Map, skip/autoplay, Quest Log, shields, accessories, Naga encounter, town crier questline including a new boss, huge Brothel improvements and the Brothel Madame, Bunny Anal art, experience gain for satisfying enemies, and some fixes to some old annoying bugs.  There's a bunch of other stuff, too.

Dropbox links are in previous posts - if you're Bunny or Dragon, make sure to grab the links from the appropriate post, but the Pony tier+ link contains v0.1.27.0!

Changelog for v0.1.27.0 - "End of Days" update:

New features:

  • Permanent save files
Accessible from the World Map and Encounter Screens
10 slots available currently
Can save during encounters
Load on the Main Menu now displays the Save/Load screen
Added Quick Load to world map
  • New world map UI/UX!
Includes some tweaks to the world gen to guarantee encounters appear
Terrain, trees, rocks, shadows, water, lilies, some cloud tweaks and a more cohesive map in general
Reduced travel times
New sounds
Fixed a longstanding bug regarding being able to click on buttons that had clickable items under them
  • Implemented skip text button during encounters
  • Implemented auto-play button during encounters
  • Implemented Quest Log (viewable from World Map)
  • Implemented shields
Blocking or Guarding now can reduce damage by full, three-quarters, half, or a quarter (parrying is similar)
Shield will eventually break after sustaining enough damage - blocking will still parry for some amount of damage
Shields can be purchased from the blacksmith
  • Implemented accessories
Hunger Charm can be found and equipped from a certain cache if your scouting score is high enough
Magical stat-boosting charms can be purchased from the Witch's cottage after you've procured the goddess' blessing from her
  • Added perks for increasing Perception, Magic and Charisma
  • Can now see perk descriptions by hovering over them on the Character screen
  • Replaced spider cum with eggs
  • Starting armor now dependent on class
  • Level gain now displays when you level up in an encounter

 New content: 

  • Naga encounter!
She can wrap you up if you're on the ground - you won't be able to escape unless you can overpower her or she runs out of stamina
She has a very different set of encounter possibilities if you scout out her cave beforehand or not
  • Started to enhance the Brothel
Added new Brothel Madame art and scenes
More options
Lady of the Night doesn't cause a game over as quickly, and gives warning in advance, so more prostitution can be done on each playthrough
Kissing/handjob/oral/anal Brothel encounters!
Each has an associated skill which effects payout/outcome
Can now give service in the Brothel twenty times
  • Implemented Bunny Anal art
  • Implemented Town Crier questline
Implemented Town Square
Added Witch's Cottage
Added Mount Xiuh
Added new boss encounter
  • First Companion encounters
Need 8 Charisma
Need 2 Magic to get the reward for Kylira the Elf's
  • Added some new armor pieces
  • Sex perks got a rename, and "Cock Lover" perk was added
  • Added cave background for Spider and Naga battles
  • Added Angel battle background
  • Some enemies have alternate climax skills now
  • Added Game Over music

 Tweaks and bug fixes: 

  • Added experience gain to satisfaction endings for various encounters
  • Fixed Focus Energy - this skill, which regenerates mana and increase endurance, was not previously working properly
  • Modified standing/recovery techniques so that they can only be used when they won't cause immediate collapse
  • Enemies can still knock you down immediately through stamina destroying attacks or just unbalancing if you don't have your footing
  • Techniques used in a downed state will no longer display in red
  • Lowered armor score for enemy armor
  • Reduced Orc's stats slightly
  • Increased starting mana
  • Fixed issue where new character skills didn't appear on old save files
  • Fixed a bug on android that caused animations to be rendered with improper textures
  • Fixed music lingering bug
  • Prevented results screen from duplicating results
  • Fixed a technique display bug
  • Added some clarity to error messages
  • Changed default resolution
  • Fixed crash bug when player character has no actions
  • Fixed harpy hanging in the air instead of divebombing
  • Enemies will no longer initiate sixty-nine on a chastitied character
  • Adjusted some battle UI elements to prevent overlaps
  • Bunny/Puca now shows on Pervert screen
  • Updates to credits screen
  • Typo fixes




So for Android, if you try and use the pre load for the settings it will always crash. Just letting you know


I think that preload may not work on android because we can't actually load all the assets at once (for memory reasons on most devices) - we may end up disabling the option for android.


The brothel madam face-sitting game over being a literal death feels... like a bit much and kind of out of place? Literally murdering you for offending her feels a bit more hardcore gang leader than brothel mistress to me (... Unless that's what you're going for?) and almost all the other game overs are of the "You have become a pet/slave/fucktoy" sort of bad end variety. I feel like a more fitting outcome would be for her to suffocate Hiro until he passes out (maybe still say she's gonna kill him to scare him a little) and then unceremoniously dump him out unto the streets. Not that you shouldn't have death bad ends in the game if you want them, but the one other death I've found so far is at the hands of a monster in the bottom of some ruins with a literal 'Danger' warning so the context and buildup feels more appropriate as a high stakes situation. Aside from just expressing my opinion, one actual suggestion I would like to offer is to have the Brothel Mistress's scenes and dialogue change a bit if you're one of her 'girls' (Lady of the night rank check) since she's protective of them so I feel like that would make her warm up to you a bit more? (Unless being a 'freelancer' for her is different?" Pointless side note: Personally, my response to 'whats so funny' Would have been "I'm sorry Madam, but I have never been so envious of a chair in my life" I wonder if that would be a flattering enough variant on that response to not get me killed.


She is rather hardcore. I'll probably put some more warnings ahead of it. Can relate to the chair envy. We'll definitely make it so once you're one of her girls, the dialog will change.