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She watched him, pretending like he hadn't seen her, like he didn't know she was there, like he didn't know what street he was on or why he was there.  She watched him check his phone, check his pockets, check his hair in his reflection in a car window, then remember he had a selfie function on his phone's camera.  He didn't like what he saw there, so he adjusted his hair, then looked at his reflection in the car window, then mussed it up, looked at his phone, patted it down, looked at the car window, mussed it up.  

She watched him pace and gently lean against traffic poles and fire hydrants; she watched him pretend to get a text so that he turned around, busily hurrying coincidentally back towards her alley.  She watched him steal a glance at her just for a moment, just long enough before his eyes shifted elsewhere, and she watched his eye widen in panic for just that moment as they made eye contact, her gaze unwavering.

She watched him walk past, then amble back into view, looking at his phone and not at her, looking down at his phone and not at her, looking past his phone and not at her.  She watched him shift his way of standing to hide an increasingly visible erection.  To attempt to hide it, he did.

They were maybe a car's length apart, now, only in terms of depth, from the sidewalk to where she was leaning casually against the wall in the alley, presenting herself, but no cars seperated them.  Nothing did but a bit of distance - a few paces, and he could be in conversation distance.  A few paces more, and he could feel her breath.  A half-pace, and...  

She considered speaking to him.  Reassuring him.  Teasing him.  Taunting him.  Asking him if he was lost, or asking him if he'd found what he was looking for.  She considered saying something blunt, giving him prices or asking him what he wanted to do with her, or even blunter, inviting him to come over so they could fuck.  She considered calling him "cherry boy".  But instead, she watched him, and waited.

Full story here for now: https://pastebin.com/a2FaxNNr




Maybe stupid question but where I can find big whole stories of previous winners of Sketch Factory like above? Or there is only few like this?


Hey, does the link to the original just notwork anymore?


Has this ever been found?


Is she gonna be the Oral Fixation gal or is she another futa encounter to the game that I somehow didn't manage to see in the survey? :O


This is a separate character/story from the sketch factory - just edited the post to include a story snippet and the full story link. :D


This is really cute