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Big ticket item in this weekly is the new World Map and the Quest Log. The World Map has needed this love for a long while, and now it's finally starting to get it. The next big UI/UX thing we're upgrading will be skill selection/upgrading, which will also be our first deep dive into skills and character progression. With that and character customization getting overhauled, that'll be the current incarnation of character creation more or less in a playable state, although it'll still be missing a bunch like starting game bonuses and other mode options.

As for the World Map, right now we've gone minimalist on the encounter areas - those will be replaced with more real-world detail as we draw/build that out, including little visualizations of potential encounters as your scouting level increases.

Anyway, there'll be more detail about that stuff in the monthly update - for now, enjoy the new world map. :D


  • New world map UI/UX!

Includes some tweaks to the world gen to guarantee encounters appear

Terrain, trees, rocks, shadows, water, some cloud tweaks and a more cohesive map in general

Reduced travel times

Fixed a longstanding bug regarding being able to click on buttons that had clickable items under them

  • Quest Log (viewable from World Map)
  • Fixed where Save button appears during encounters (both position and when you can save)
  • Adjusted some battle UI elements to prevent overlaps
  • New world map sound

Weekly ToA builds + HiRes and Raws (Bunny+) - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/k171spmmx6matxq/AADzTYY4_Ek8wnCR9BqwX51Ga?dl=0

Password: kyq8Ty3q78vwUBQ9



When I exit the town after taking a loan, I get an error (null).


The surveyor skill no longer gives a description for anything on the map screen.


Or more precise I don't know if surveyor skill is broken as there is no description for anything on the map screen anymore


I found a few bugs from this update. The descriptions on the map are completely gone, error messages happen when you leave town and also if you start a new game when you take your first step in story mode and the game has become so laggy at times that I have to wait a good 2 mins before I can do anything.


Hey, the error messages from leaving town and from story mode should be gone now - I'm working on the map descriptions. They're still there, but they show off the screen if you're on a low resolution. When you say you have to wait from the lag, is it when you first load the world map? And does it happen persistently across different world map gens? Thanks for letting us know - we're working on it right now.


Looking good! Noticed somethings too. The world map cuts out on the top and right side, don't know if its resolution or not but I use the highest one and it was missing on full screen and regular. Clicking load on the main screen, even with saves, just starts the opening text for character creations, you have to click the save tab from there to pull up the save file list to load. Also had text boxes and text disappear with the Orc encounter completely until after the fight then it was just missing the boxes. The harpy divebomb bj images didn't always pop up on the first or second action. Hope it helps!


I'll check the map cutting off - I haven't seen that yet, but I'll test the limits. "Load" currently loads the quicksave (which is just a new save file if you've never quicksaved) - I'll probably have it open the save menu instead. If you hit tab it hides the UI in encounters/battles - is that what you saw?