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With Maj going full time in January almost a certainty at this point, we're building out a roadmap for ToA, which will let you know what's coming down the pike, so that you can anticipate what gameplay elements are going to get created, enhanced, and changed.

The feature survey is going to undergo a major overhaul, with more detailed descriptions of what modules we plan to build out based on the results - we'll slot in those winners into the roadmap so you can see both vote on and see what's planned.

We'll also be periodically updating the roadmap, adding modules as we get closer to them and have a better understanding of what we can implement and when, and also just based on feedback from you guys.  In fact, if there's something that's not on here that you expect to be, or you want us to add something, let us know!  This is taken from our backlog, but not everything in there is on here as of now.

There may be some things that we do - little tweaks and additions, like scene expansion or adding sounds or effects or graphics to the UI - that we'll just do without adding them to the roadmap, but larger features, for the most part, will end up on here first.

Here's the forward-looking part of the roadmap - the stuff that's yet to come.  This is probably the format we'll post it in whenever we give an update, but we'll keep track of the full version for posterity or if anyone's curious.


Items <- We are here!




Naga Encounter*

Saving and Loading Encounters^

Quests and Questlog^

Encounter v2.0

UI enhancements for encounters

        Everything with a keyboard or touch option

Saving mid-encounter

Viewable log which shows choice and checks as well

Access to menu

Access to character and inventory screens

Combat v2.0

Technique learning overhaul

More combat stances, fewer combat abilities, ability shuffle

Battle UI overhaul

Supplementing the combat log with visual and/or audio cues

Providing more information about techniques being performed

More economical use of space

Displaying enemy actions and character actions separately, with an option to skip so that combat can remain as fast input-wise as it is now

More variations in enemy skill preferences and availability

Sex combat enhancements

Lust and orgasm overhaul

More sex-related abilities, including learnable and upgradeable ones

Sex combat related perks

More enemy-specific sex goals and better rewards for sexually satisfying an enemy

Option for non-violent/non-lethal combat to specialize in sex fighting or for peaceful engagements

Sphincter status

Rectum status

Colon status

Damage/health adjustments

Ranged combat

More variations in entering battle - sneak attacks on enemy, ranged attacks, etc.

Willpower stat


World Map v2.0

New world map art

Controls and UI/UX

Mini-encounters with options

Wandering encounters

Replenishing encounters

Multiple differentiated zones


Scouting improvements

Camping improvements

Towns and Dungeons

Dungeon implementation

Multiple towns

Expanding town functionality

Companions and Quests

Patron Class

^ Encounter survey winners

** Feature survey winners



Patreon just ate my formatting, and doesn't support nested lists, so next time we'll put this up as an image or something! When our website is live, this roadmap'll definitely be on it as well, updated in real time. :D


Looks good to me and I can’t wait for most of this! 🤩


I'm down. especially the combat 2.0 i want it, so take my money


Definitely great to see this. We need to be able to see what modifiers are affecting our stats and how (like being full of cum) so glad to see that is potentially coming


"More enemy-specific sex goals and better rewards for sexually satisfying an enemy Option for non-violent/non-lethal combat to specialize in sex fighting or for peaceful engagements" hype




@majalis not sure if you have heard about a roadmap website? It's called: Trello, might wanna give it a look, see if it suits your needs. Cheers.


can't wait!


oh oh oh and, and some randome event respoundig what u look like, just like, if u have some visible butt plug some stranger will spank ur ass or if u when u are covered in cum some npc humiliate you or something like that &lt;3


that make me remind undertale...i dont know why :p


how many time u think u will finish this map? i mean to the begining until the end, can u estimate the time, u will take for finish this? aaaand the game become on beta when u reach the end of the map?(my english make me cry every nigth TnT)


Yeah, I've sued Trello for work and we actually had one for ToA for a bit - but right now we're using GQueues and a spreadsheet for the backlog where we track progress. We might move to a Trello board but with such a small team I don't know that it's necessary.


When this roadmap is complete, we'll definitely enter the next phase, although I probably wouldn't call it beta, as there would still be a lot of content to create.


Well I figured that besides for your own benefit, other people would love (well i would that's for sure) to be able to go to a website and check what you have planned for the future. I had never heard of GQueues before, I checked it out just now. Not sure i can take a look in there? if yes, what do i search for and where?


We had actually shared out the spreadsheet for a while - that would be the equivalent of the Trello board, but few people used it. We could also set up a Jira board as well. :O


Never heard of a Jira Board. I'm assuming it's lile trello as well. If barely anyone uses it, it is not worth the time invested. Maybe this is something worth asking your community though, through a Poll for example.


This is good to see, for a second it looked as if you guys were going to make a game more focused on Violent combat over sexual combat.p


@majalis It would be interesting to see some sort of religion/worship system implemented, which would enable the Hero to to be follower of some mystical entity, like the spider goddess or the angel’s goddess both familiar from the castles. Basically this could mean gaining physical transformations, multiple pregnancy options, converting NPCs etc.