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To any of our patrocinadores estadounidense, happy turkey devouring day!  Maj is allergic to turkey, so he won't be joining you in your gobbling of gobblers, but we did want to take a minute to thank all of our patrons, from everywhere, for helping us do what we do.  

We also wanted to give a quick update - for those of you following the weekly ToA build, there's going to be a bunch of new content in the next one, including story mode stuff, especially if it comes out on Monday again, as we've got some time now to get a bunch done, and already have (the Angel encounter is now totally complete, and the Story Mode Ogre encounter is on its way).

We'll try to make the game a little easier again, now - we know that the armor changes in the last weekly have made most encounters more challenging, as expected, but we want to make sure that all the current content is still feasibly reachable.  We may also create a closer node to encounter the Angel at temporarily, but that won't be necessary if we manage to get the replay feature done on the Pervert screen.  :D



Love the new armor update, it just makes the "fights" more exhilarating ♥


Amour changes?


Armor's now divided into upper body, lower body, and underwear. We'll write up more about it when the new monthly drops. :D


As someone who is using ver. 25.0 I would say that the only problem with the combat is no matter when you win or lose you consume food then if it was a tough fight you need to rest which takes more food. Scavenging is not that helpful and the dryads are great but if the enemy doesn't drop like +2 food on defeat then of course it will feel like the game is too hard. Besides that the enemies and when you encounter them seem fair enough. (Selfish time: I would love to see a new spell perhaps one that can make enemies cum if fully arouse; also would like ranger and rouge abilities like vault and shot or poison instead of bleeds whatever) Love your work continue doing what you do!

Big Pants

how do you get bitch rank 2 without losing, because there's a check for when you beat the werebitch for the bitch rank but i can't seem to get rank 2 of bitch without game over.


Bitch Rank 2 is currently a game over in every incarnation - including winning the fight. To avoid a game over, you have to satisfy her in a non-anal, non-oral manner.


We did reduce the metabolic rate (so less food consumed per time slice) in the next version, so that should help. A "Remote Cum" spell sounds like a great idea. :D


When I thought about that remote cum spell I was wondering if cum could be used as mana substitute since "life energy". This way more classes could eventually have spells and even if you run out of mana against a goblin or something its not game over


So if you have Bitch Rank 1, win the fight with her aroused, she leaves.... But how do you get Rank 2 to get the game over even if you win?


Never mind. I tried a bit longer with things. Just have her aroused and a strength of 5 or higher when you win.