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The first pass of the Angel encounter is in - basically every path except for the battle paths.  She's a cutey!  We've also added an initial bestiary to the Pervert screen made some changes to world gen which should mean more encounters.  We've also reduced the food cost for moving around the map, so it should be much easier to avoid starvation for now.

To find the Angel - get to the second fort-looking place (the first is the spider encounter).

 Weekly ToA builds + HiRes and Raws (Bunny+) - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/q1behx4wzv8tarc/AAC526KkSHZEF74_mLr1Kptba?dl=0 

Password: FyzJohJfK6




Is the password working for anyone else? Looks like there are some extra spaces at the end, tried with and without and I'm not able to get in.


It's fixed now - might take a bit before the too many attempts message goes away. :(


Great update, but shouldnt the paladin be a devotee to the goddess?


She's going to have alternate text if you're a Paladin, but no - not the same goddess. :D


Is there going to be an event where I meet her with anal lover 3?