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New changes up on the Bunny tier dropbox in Tales of Androgyny (Weekly) > Tales of Androgyny [Your Version].

Quick review of changes:

GROUND WRASSLIN', day foraging is now improved, fixed a few bugs related to stances (full nelson, reverse cowgirl), stances now have proper display names, improved loading screen with tooltips, world map gen is different, fixed clouds, golem is in but no encounter text yet, battle is pretty basic too.

To initiate ground wrasslin - either be in Prone or Supine when the enemy is ready to go, or be in the opposite state on an enemy that can be penetrated.



Oh, whoops, this build didn't have the battle yet. We'll have the full encounter with the battle in the next one. Sorry about that!


Ehm... Hello.. I can't find where to downloadd the game D: :c


Hey - there are Dropbox link posts for each month - they contain the links to access the Dropbox where the monthly/weekly builds are stored!