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What's gotten into the hero? Approaching all those bandits with such lustful intentions... well, I suppose he'll be forever with his bride, at least!

Love the ghost, love the double (triple?) penetration, and having a lot of fun with our animations now that we've nailed out the process. Hope you're enjoying them too!

With the new animation system implemented in the game, it's a lot easier to manage animations like this with a lot of variants, so now we can more easily display, for instance, variants for this that are before, during, and after the cumshots, with the ghost overlay (and with the different ghost versions!) or not, with or without cage, with or without erection, etc. Before, we had to manually create a new variant that would be displayed - as an example, GHOST_POSSESSION_AFTER_CUMSHOT_SPOOKY_GHOST_CAGED, which would lead to combinatoric explosion. Now it's a lot more straightforward in both our tooling and the backend, which means that not only can we put in more of these kinds of variants, we can also make them free to display on the Pervert screen with controls for the player to select them.



İlktug muhammed Birinci

Please make it easier to run the cheat mode. I have a hard time doing it. I have to do it again when I save a new one. Can you add an extra menu or panel for the cheat mode into the game?

kozmo man

what platform are you on? because I honestly get no real bugs on android.

kozmo man

if you still have bugs then they are probably new. so you can download the last monthly update then on that update the bugs should be gone.