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Gray and Lyon are 8 and 9 respectively in that flashback, and children aren't exactly known for their emotional maturity. So I won't blame them for their dumb kid decisions, but I will blame Lyon for his dumb adult decisions. Also, while Lucy is known as the fanservice character, it's actually Gray. Because people focus more on a girl wearing revealing clothing than a naked guy. I'm actually a bit of a prude so this is something I've never really understood.


Ehhhhh, 8 and 9 is on the old side for that level of an extreme, still kids, but I'm less forgiving than I could be. I have to disagree, at least with what we've seen so far and with how bad I know it gets with Lucy in the future. With grays "revealing clothing" essentially being basketball shorts (and his upper half being drawn in a non-sensual way) , he may be the more frequent, but barring a turn, I don't see him taking the title.