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The little bit we saw of Aqua's past self wasn't particularly a nice person either. He used the death of a child as an excuse for why it was okay for him to be crushing on a girl more-or-less half his age. Ruby would probably be rather squicked out if she ever knew he'd been using her name like that. And doctors do tend to fall into three categories. The truly altruistic who actually want to help people. The ones who just want to a high paying / respected job. And then there's the people who relish in the power they have over their -victims- patients. I really don't think Aqua is in the first category. The second is more likely, but I'm not willing to rule out the third. I'm also not sure whether it was clear that Ai was clinically psycho/sociopathic, since she did love her kids. Personally I kind it more likely that since she grew up without good role models, she just struggled to recognise an emotion she'd never had reason to feel before. That said, there has been research that shows lots of mental illnesses can and do run in families. I don't have any exact numbers, but anecdotally, autism and ADHD in particular are very genetic. Side notes that I forgot to comment about in the first episode: As far as I understand it, Idols have very strict standards on their public image. They're supposed to be "pure" and "perfect" or, more bluntly, to birgins. I think I remember hearing that some contracts outright state that they're not allowed to be in any kind of relationship. Having a boyfriend would be a huge scandal because *le gasp* the idol might have had the sex! So that's kinda why Ai being pregnant was such a huge deal. It's not just that she was sixteen or not publicly in a relationship, it's the bizarre standards that are expected of idols. I have no clue whether or not male idols are held to the same standards in reverse. On the difference between Psychopaths and Sociopaths: In short, the difference is that Yagami Light is a psychopath and Sonozaki Shion is a sociopath. (I will finish Higurashi eventually...) In long: It really depends on who's doing the diagnosing. Many sources say both are subsets of antisocial personality disorder. But for the sake of psychoanalysing fictional characters, let's ignore those and look for sources that say there are differences. "Psychopaths are classified as people with little or no conscience but are able to follow social conventions when it suits their needs. Sociopaths have a limited, albeit weak, ability to feel empathy and remorse. They're also more likely to fly off the handle and react violently when confronted by the consequences of their actions." Based on that alone, I'd suggest that Ai is more psychopathic than sociopathic. Next is running through a quick list of the criteria from one website (this one https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-a-sociopath-380184) Psychopath vs Sociopath no.1. Psychopaths pretend to care while sociopaths make it clear they do not care how the others feel. Ai's whole thing was that she was pretending to love people, so one point for psychopathy. No.2. Cold-hearted behaviour vs. hot-headed and impulsive, Ai came across as more cold and calculating than hot headed. Though I don't think the twins were planned, I'm hesitant to label that impulsive since accidents happen and she had plenty of time to think it over before visiting Dr. Aqua. Another point for psychopathy. No.3. Prone to fits of anger and rage vs failing to recognise other people's distress. First, I'm not sure how these are related, but whatever. I don't think we ever saw Ai angry so that's a nope to sociopathy. Don't think we have enough data to determine whether she can recognise the distress of others... No.4. Recognising bad behaviour but rationalising it vs relationships that are shallow and fake. Again, not sure how these two related. Maybe the bullet points weren't supposed to line up? Anyway, it's a yes to shallow and a hell yeah to fake, what with the whole lying and pretending to love her fans thing. She's also aware that she's supposed to love people (so this behaviour is "bad") and rationalises it since her fans want to be lied to? I think that's what they reasoning manager gave her was. Either way, that's a point for both. No.5. Cannot maintain a regular work/family life vs maintain a normal life as a cover for criminal activity. Ai was very much able to maintain her job and I have to reason to believe she'd struggle with that (she'd struggle with being a single mother of two though) even if she's had a more mundane job. The closest thing to a "cover for criminal activity" would be Aqua and Ruby. So she can have half of a psychopathy point. No.6. Can form emotional attachments with difficulty vs can't form genuine emotional attachments but may love people in their own way. This is the one point where Ai is more sociopathic than psychopathic, since she does (well, did) seem to genuinely care about Aqua and Ruby. She was scared that she didn't actually love, and felt real relief that she wasn't lying when she told them she did. However, I believe this is a pretty major part of the criteria. So to me, the fact that Ai genuinely loved her children is enough for me to declare her not a psychopath. In conclusion, it is my official armchair diagnosis that while Ai shows some signs of psychopathy, she doesn't satisfy enough of the criteria for an official diagnosis. Yes I am aware that my side notes are longer than my original comment. I'm a little sorry but not really. This has been another overly-thought-out comment by RebeccaBlue.


Oh boy, this is a long one, I had concerns with Doctor Aqua, but even still, the personality seems to have taken a darker turn. But...You've raised a very interesting point for me...Post reincarnation, it hasn't yet mattered AT ALL that he was a doctor in his past life...I just can't believe that that is a meaningless detail. Idols in general, from my American perspective, are a weird type of celebrity, where it seems like their entire image is based around the hero worship thing some Americans used to have for baseball players, rather than anything to do with the actual person, it's weird to get my head around. Oh yeah, I don't know how far you are in Higurashi....But based on that comment, I'm guessing season 1. No further comment. I do think it's pretty clear that what Ai had fell outside of psychopathy or sociopathy, but they are the closest a layman like me can get to a description of the characters. Since we know the father of the twins is a producer, I wonder whether it's more of a Weinstein situation, eerily enough., rather than anything to do with her condition directly. I agree based on what you put here that she probably wouldn't get an official diagnosis, I always appreciate your longer comments.


I think the most similar comparison I have for Idols are basically when I have a favourite character. Like how Peridot lives in my head rent-free pretty much everyday despite how I haven't watched any Steven Universe in ages. (Thank you for introducing me to her btw). Which I know she isn't a real person, but I don't think these fans treat Idols like real people either so maybe it is an accurate comparison? Higurashi, I'm reading through the visual novel version. Slowly. I've just started the seventh chapter. I'm not sure where exactly that is in the anime since each chapter is 25+ hours long, and I don't think the anime has anywhere near 400 episodes, but I've just met Hanyuu if that helps. If it is a Weinstein situation, that does give some motive for her murder. Though it would have made more sense to kill the kids.