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So I almost made another mistake by having this sceduled for the 9th... of MARCH! Good thing I doubled checked otherwise I would've been pissed.

This took a lot of reworks because I couldn't find a reference model I liked for the body type I wanted. They were either too thin or too muscular so I had to go and make it up so hopefully the anatomy doesn't look odd. As for the pose, I referenced a random BBW pic I found which was a fun challenge since I had to redo the arm, hand and overall flexibility due to the size difference.

Also I really love the overall warm tone this one has due to the orange highlight I chose to do here but that's just me. I hope you all like this one and I'll try to stay on time from now on. Thanks for your patience.

*minor edit; I went back and added some highlights to her right (our left) leg since it was something I overlooked and wished to correct. Enjoy!




good thing you did check, would of been a shame to miss this well done artwork. I agree with you on the warm tone of the work. It's very pleasing to look at and you did an excellent on capturing it!