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cant really figure out if the denoiser bug is on my system only or not, but for now, just have to restart daz every time for my final render, and it will render the image out with the denoiser. bit of an annoyance but it will work for now




There should be a issues forum on Daz. Go take a look and see if others have the same problem.


i already looked, but the forums from daz suck. its really hard to find exactly what you looking for. i did find some post about this, but all were from 2019, and not the current version of daz. ill look around some more tomorrow


I started using external denoiser programs recently. Gives you more flexibility, as you can have both the original images and a denoised one. If you want, let me know and I'll send you one a friend gave me that works really nice.


yeah, im using infinity photo to apply a denoise to a rendered image. but im not really getting why its not working inside daz cause it should. im think its a daz bug, which doesnt really clear out the vram, and so resulting in that denoise is not working the second time when rendering. while quitting daz, and then restarting it, results in a clean vram to start with and so working again, but thats only me guessing which program are you using to denoise an image?