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ok, so pc died again, which of course happens add the worst time possible. first i was being lazy, then the pc died, so i got this guy who always fixes my pc problems, but, he was on vacation. no biggy , he would be back in 10 day.  so the guy is back, i bring in the pc, and he finds that something is wrong with the motherboard. ok so lets order a new one.. pfff and then the waiting game starts....

now 2 months later, dammit, i got a working pc again. i really dont have a lot of luck with this "new" pc, so im setting up a second pc now too, in case this one dies again, cause now it just feels like a its just a matter of time till it dies again




It's so embarrassing when the equipment breaks down I'm not my computer, but my brother's computer is out of order, so I've been through SSD replacement, OS installation, and program restoration for a few days Anyway, I hope it will be fully recovered safely.


Glad things are back up and running. Look forward to seeing you back in the saddle again.


it is, and its so annoying as well. and once one thing breaks, everything breaks. but yeah, all seems to be working again and gotr everything installed, so back to full 3d'ing again