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torso is done, next up the gloves and boots. not easy to make this all work with the geoshell, but i think i figured it out




I am wondering if you may know the answer to this Daz Studio Question: Regarding primitives, I see there is a "Size" and Divisions option but its only one Size not length, width, height. How would I create a primitive that is exactly 8ft by 11ft by 1ft? I am wanting to create an interior space. Thanks.


create a box of 1ft. then select the box, and use the scaling dails. so if you want a length of 8ft, put the x scaling on 800% and for 11ft put the z scale on 1100% keep in mind though, that the polygons are facing outwards, so if you want to create an interior space you will need to flip all polygons. to do this goto the "tool settings" tab. then in the "tool settings" tab select the "geometry editor". then in the viewport, right click and goto "geometry selection => select all". then right click again in the viewport, and goto "geometry editing => flip normals of selected polygons".


I truly appreciate your accurate and quick response! Thank you, that helps me proceed, I have a bunch of material surfaces to work with now so being able to accurately build items to scale is very useful.