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i was asked to make an outfit and to use the geoshell inside daz. so, did some testing to see how to set things up. the purple part is the geoshell. 

first all the positives, added the neck thingy to see how it all would react with each other, and that works all really nicely. can apply all kinds of shaders to the geoshell and thats works great too, and the geoshell is really close to the skin of the character, thats really awesome too.

ok now the bad parts, cause of how the g8 is setup, the uv mapping on the torso is not really ideal, so when using a 4k map, you end up with chunky lines. when using an 8k map, it looks a lot better, but we going to need at least 3 texture maps (diffuse, normal and bump) if not more (reflection, roughness, masks for the different kind of shaders). so that adds up and its going to be very resource heavy on your computer.

to set things up i need to model the outfit as a stand alone outfit first, then i can use some 3d magic to transfer everything over from the stand alone version to the geoshell version of the outfit. which is kind of a difficult process to do, and very time consuming.

to sum everything up, i dont think its a good idea to use the geoshell for clothing. its a lot of work for an end result thats not that great.




yes the 8k looks good, much better than the rest and of some commercial products i have seen :) great work.