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garment used: pouch underwear with strings (g8m) (daz)

got it all working now, but its not easy to use. this character's penis shrinks when i apply the character preset to it. now the problem is when you apply your character to the g8m, your character's penis size will not be the same cause it depends on what the pelvis is doing.

so i think the best way to set this up, is to explain how to adjust the settings on the shrinkage. i could make a bunch of presets, but the problem with that is that we end up with a lot of presets which doesnt make things easier




Wait, so the package changes depending on the position too? Well that explains a few things with other renders I have seen. Also never thought I live long enough to talk about men's packages and have it not be a joke...well live long enough and everything happens eventually.


yeah, that seems to be the case. position and scaling, so making a standard for the underwear is pretty much impossible. haha, you realize im actually sending you dick pics now, right?!?!


Yes, and it annoys me YOU KNOW I am looking at dick pics cause your that good as an artist. You are truly evil in your own special way. Yes I have these renders saved too...Welp now that I checked that off my bucket list, time to fight a bull.