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its become way more clear now why people dont use thickness on dforce clothing. if we have a simple single trim going on then that works fine, but as soon as we make it a bit more complicated, dforce simply says "NO" and goes KABOOM

i have been trying all kinds of settings, but nothing works, its always the same result which ends up in an dforce explosion. 




Oh yeah, this also happens if you have more extreme poses where the various parts of the garment touch and press on one another.


yeah, if there is a lot of clipping going on then things will explode, but here im not even posing, just hitting the simulate button and the dress goes KABOOM


I don't know if this helps in your situation but there exists a bundle of dforce presets, which also includes an Explosion Fix. Everytime some clothes explodes in my dforce runs i use this and no explosion anymore. https://www.daz3d.com/dforce-master-cloth-simulation-presets


oh, this will definitely help. thank you so much for that link, im so looking into this!!