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[WARNING: If you still need to play the update, do not read this post!]

Hey everyone!

I trust you all enjoyed the update! If not, please don't hesitate to let us know your thoughts. 

Anyway, now that the update has gone public, let me show this small teaser of what's to come next! 

And no, you are not seeing a Sicae teaser and progress banner, no. 😅 

- Things will be a little dark... okay, maybe very dark.
If you played Sicae and loved it, this one is a must-play. This is when and where the only time both games cross paths the most. I dare say the darkest MBML can ever be, or I can take it to.  

- How dark is it going to be...?
For reference, it will go above and beyond how dark Sicae is now. Well, Sicae will eventually topple this up at some point, but this is the darkest update we've ever planned so far. You know how I like the darkest stuff there is, so this is probably not a surprise to you guys anymore. 

But it's about more than how dark it is. Our job is to deliver emotion, after all, so we'll make sure to remember that. 

And let me tell you what; I have been waiting for this for god knows how long, so I'm pretty damn excited to make it! 

- For insights:
This next update is a main story-focused episode and will mainly revolve around Moon, Kei, and all that Mafia stuff we've been building up so far. As for the theme: humanity, cruelty, unfairness, and extreme consequences. 

Yes, this thing is quite heavy, so prepare yourselves, and I am not joking

As a Chapter Finale, we are ending things here. This is a monstrous obstacle our characters must cross to achieve their goals, however simple they may be. I know we've been treating things with a mixture of jokes and laughs, but it's time to get serious and end the chapter with a bang. 

I'm still building the roadmap, so we will discuss more about the update on the official status report.  


Also, I'm happy to announce that the game now fully supports Chinese version!
Massive credit to [lonely neet] for translating the game and even going as far as editing the interface to accommodate the Chinese audiences! However, I must emphasize that he's only doing this in his free time, so the Chinese translations won't always be up to date.


But before all that, I'm going to take at least a week and rest up first to make sure I'm in tip-top shape before going back to work. It's almost time for my monthly doctor's visit as well, so I'm going to take this time to relax. 

That will be all, so I'll see you guys on the next one! You guys have a great day!

- Niichan


Chapter 1 Finale

Watch "Chapter 1 Finale" on Streamable.


Gregory Cirtaus

I just had my first crossover with Sicae experience. How cute and sad knowing what happens in Sicae. I'm really enjoying the game so far, I like all of the characters and it's sweet and feels like something sad or tragic will happen and I have a feeling I will shed some tears at some point but that's okay,


I hope to release a Vietnamese version of the game in the future


Moon Chi


Damn I didn't expect ascending from Punishing gray raven. What a Epic Battle. Love it