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Hey, guys! It's been a hot minute!

I'm just here to tell you that I'm alive.😅

And drop a status report.

Anyway, let's go through the game-related stuff first.

Current numbers:
Lines of codes: 2003
Renders: 117
Animations: 1
Music & SFX: 0

Aside from the minor setback a week ago, that forced me to rest; part 2 is going smoothly. I got to catch up and wrote a huge chunk of the update, and we are almost there. I'd say we are about 70% through the dialogues.

I'm writing Aine's arc now, and we are also halfway through it. After that, a few scenes left, and we finished it.

Despite that, the renders haven't moved a bit, so I decided to pick it up, do a huge chunk of renders, and post a preview. I kind of exhausted my brain with writing, so it's better to give it a rest first. But many animation challenges are waiting to be done from here, so it will take time for me to post a preview since I can't push myself too much at the time. So, I ask for your patience until I get a lot better.

So, how am I doing now? (This will be a tale, so please read only if you have time)

Well, good news in exchange for minor bad news.
There are apparent improvements health-wise. The PTB meds are improving my immune system, so much so that my butt issue started healing all by itself, and the wound is closing and drying up. It turns out it wasn't bad; it was trying to heal itself, but my compromised system due to the TB wasn't allowing my body to do so. The only question left with that is, will it recur? Without surgery, there's still a risk of it coming back, but I'm hoping that's the end of it. God, please let me sit properly, eh?

Back-wise, the cough is still there, but not as much as it used to be. No more minor fevers or night sweats, and I started to gain weight after a month of taking the meds. Which I'm thrilled with. But truth be told, I was vaping and a huge coffee lover. However, I abruptly stopped them when the meds started because they were not allowed to go along with the PTB chemotherapy. There were no apparent side effects with the medication, but I underestimated the situation and withdrawal from the nicotine and caffeine kicked in. I started to get too fidgety, and I lost my focus. 

It was so bad that it affected me to an emotional level. Aside from the withdrawal, I experienced occasional shortness of breath and terrible exhaustion. I managed to get back, but it was a horrible experience. So I decided to drop everything and disappeared for almost a week. The doctor said I'd be fine, so long as I didn't push myself to the brink, so I tried to slowly get back to work a week later, and here I am now.

Still alive, but not in tip-top shape.

PTB really broke me physically and mentally, but I'm holding there. It will be a long 5 more months for the medication, and after that, I hope the health issues stop from there. Or else I'd think I'm cursed or something.

Anyway, there is little to discuss about the development for now.
Oh, and just to give you a heads-up. I probably won't take my yearly full December off for now to keep the development moving. It's already too slow as it is.
At least to those who know that I usually do.

One last thing: I'm putting the wallpapers on hold while taking PTB chemotherapy. I need to minimize my workload within the next several months. But rest assured that they will return after I'm fully well and in full throttle. I have to prioritize what's important for now.

That's everything.

I'll see you guys in the next preview!

- NiiChan out






Taken care