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And here I thought this year couldn't get any worse for me.

I honestly don't know where to start, but regardless, I don't want to take too long on this post. 

I'm sure half of the people here know about my father's passing and medical history a few years ago. To those who don't, you can refer to these posts:

To make the explanation short, I was diagnosed with Extensive PTB(Tuberculosis) just earlier today. The same medical condition that caused my father's passing. Thus, the doctor and I were sure I got it from him. 

This one serious condition is the cause of everything starting from a lowered immune system; everything just followed up. 

Aside from my last and ongoing butt condition, I lost 6kg of weight, non-stop cough, back/chest pains when coughing, and low energy levels. I also experienced a series of ocular migraines over the past few weeks - I have had this since I was young, but it only returned now when my body is all tattered and weak. So I decided to see the doctor again. I took an X-ray test yesterday, and that's the result I got today.

To my ignorance, I already had the infection for a long time; it only got worse, and the symptoms started to pop out now.

How will this affect the game development?
Honestly? I'm not sure. I'm really not sure.
I've been having problems one after another. I couldn't get any rest, and I'm so, so tired already. Despite all this, I couldn't get emotional. I can't blame anyone but myself because of my negligence to my health.

But I will push through this. It's not the end yet.
I will not stop making these games.

I will keep you guys posted about this matter.

Until then, keep safe.




Sorry to hear that. Just take your time to recover and we’re all here waiting for you dude. Take care!


The games you make is truly a masterpiece and it cannot be made without the creator itself. (Take rest!)


I hope you get healthy quickly because I love your games and although I love MBML I hope to one day see a sicae sequel


Get well soon!QAQ


thanks for ur game sir, hope u will be fine soon


Take care of your health. I hope you are well.