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"To who we'll be in the future: May we meet with grace the scars of our past, and let the memories of today guide us towards a world we dream of."




Quite appropriate quote for the story.


Thank you so much for making this game. The writing is incredible and mature. I love that the MC is not an ass with the girl and all the girl are not stupid. They are intelligent character with genuine emotions and reactions. The emotion that you make us feel through your writing with all Emma ark and her ending are unbelievable. This was the first time i cried with an AVN frl that shit broke me (and that was good ) I also love the fact that the MC doesn’t lie to the girl he straight up said the emma that he has sex with sky and gwen. The girl fall in love with MC because he is kind, plz dont fall into the corruption kind of shit. The funny moment also make us laugh, you can change our emotions very well through your writing and that insane. One of the thing i love the most about MBML is that you dont only care about the sex stuff, you care a lot about the story and go deep in the background of the LI. I really didn’t care that episode 5 didn’t have a sex scene, it was the best episode of all the AVN i did Finally the music and the sound design are also on point. Every time i listen to Gwen song and flight of the inner bird it makes me wanna cry. So thank you so much for making this game you bring joy to a lot of person with this