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Good day, people!

This has been a tough year and a tough previous month. Lots of challenges come my way, and a major challenge for me is about to come soon, but still trying to push the update through even if I'm tired and sick.

In any case, here goes our 2nd preview! Most of them are fresh from the oven since it's only these past 6 days that I get to do the renders. I hope you enjoy them!

We are now about 50% through the update's story/writing. This update will take time, considering my current situation, but please be patient with me just this once. I promise once I sort myself out, we'll get back to our usual pacing.

I won't take long for this post as I have to go back to real-life stuff.
I'll follow up about the update on our next status report.

I'll catch you later, folks!

- NiiChan out



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