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Greetings, everyone!
I hope you all had a delightful June!

I'm back with another status report and an update on my health matters. 

I hope you'll bear with me as this will be an extensive post; due to some upcoming commitments, I won't be able to update you regularly for a little while. However, I aim to cover most of the important topics today.

First things first, let's unveil our new banner for MBML!

Moon finally had her much-awaited arc in our last release, and keeping her out of the spotlight felt unfair (and so, she has the highest exposure in the collage 😂).

I've decided to revamp the banner entirely to align with the enhanced graphics we've seen over the years. Now it is crisp and polished as ever!

The format remains largely unchanged, with minor tweaks added. So, unless I impulsively decide to add more Love Interests, this will be our definitive banner until the game reaches its final form. Given the current narrative trajectory, I can confidently say that adding more characters is unlikely—after all, the more LIs to write, the less unique each one becomes until they devolve into mere props (a note to self, indeed😅).

Now, for the development and health update.
The progress on the game update is steady, if slow. Ever since my commitment to quality over speed, updates have been gradual, and this one has been particularly slow, and I hate it.

I must confess that the impending surgery has been weighing heavily on me. It's led to hours of staring blankly at my screen, swamped in negative thoughts about the future. 

Yes, you heard that right. I'm scheduled for surgery soon—a necessary step to prevent a mild complication from escalating into something uncontrollable. 

The procedure is scheduled after my brother's graduation on July 11th, likely between the 13th and 15th. Following the surgery, I'll be in the hospital for 3-5 days for observation and have been advised not to work for 1-2 weeks unless my recovery is faster than anticipated. 

So, I will be on a break during that period. But once it's done and dusted, I hope to return to work with a lighter mind. Until then, I'll strive to develop the update as much as possible.

Currently, we are halfway through Freya's arc, which is shaping up to be a significant part of this episode. I'm in the process of rendering the scenes I've written so far, so expect a possible sneak preview in a few days (if I can make it).

Following Freya's arc, gear up for a grand harem arc/battle! However, this arc will only be accessible if you're following every available girl's route.

Let's call this the "All for One" route! 😈 

Not every girl will be part of this route initially, but the others will gradually join this thrilling journey. 

Please note, this will become the primary route in the forthcoming updates, given the harem nature of the game. While some girls will still have individual arcs outside the harem, like Gwen's recent 2nd arc, most of the exciting developments will occur within the "All for One" route.

Nii, Nii! Will this route affect the game's ending?
- No. My aim is to keep this game straightforward and derive the ending from the main storyline. I may experiment with intricate routing in my future games, but for this one, simplicity is key to bringing the best out of its story.

Plans have changed to finalize this update's roadmap. Once the "All for One" event wraps up, the focus will shift to Aine for the rest of the update. We will delve deeper into her character and her relationship with Kei.

Finally, get ready to plunge into the main story's core!
A revelation that will make your blood run cold!

That's it for now!
Stay upbeat, and have a fantastic day!

- NiiChan out




Assuming Klara counts as a requirement for the All for One?


Yes, everyone. But don't worry; you won't miss out on all the fun without the route.


Moon and Lily and "All for One" I can do that. I'm just looking forward to picking Moon up.


So will other girls have a solo ending besides Emma? After Freya's arc, the main line of the next version is Aine? Besides, Lily's story seems to be difficult to blend in with the main line. Whether Lily's arc is arranged or not, it is unfair for her to be left hanging for too long. I expect you to have a good plan for her. Take care of yourself and look forward to your game.


Only Emma will have a solo ending for now. I'll decide if I want to add more endings once the game is complete. We do have a plan for Lily, but that will also leave her for too long. However, it will be worth the wait. We'll talk about this on future reports.


Well, I believe you have the ability to tell touching stories. Let's meet in the future.


Yes! Get better though all of this can wait until your happy, and healthy again!