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Hello everyone!

I hope you've all been well during my absence. As you might remember, I had to take a break due to a health issue involving a perianal abscess. It was a tough decision for me, but I knew I had to prioritize my health and recovery. I'm delighted to share some great news with you all - I'm back on my feet and returning to work tomorrow!

The antibiotics worked wonders, and thankfully, surgery wasn't necessary. After several days of rest and medication, my doctor has given me the all-clear to resume my normal activities. I cannot express how grateful I am for your support, understanding, and well wishes during this challenging time. Your positive energy has undoubtedly played a significant role in my speedy recovery.

Now that I'm back, I'm more eager than ever to dive back into development. There's still much to be done, including wallpapers, in-game renders, and various other tasks. I'm excited to pick up where I left off and continue working on our projects with renewed energy and focus.

I want to thank you all once again for your patience and support.

Take care, and see you all in the development trenches!




Glad everything worked out with your health and that you're "back in the saddle" without the pain. great news!


I missed this comfort. XD It was two months straight if suffering and discomfort.


Look forward to new previews in a few days!


Glad to know that the treatment and your break worked out! Stay safe and keep up the amazing work you do! 💪🤗


Glad to hear you're feeling better.

Michael LuPayne

Take it easy don't over do it we can wait :)


Hoooo ray! Glad your back, take it easy the first week, let the body catch up to the mind

Caprice Dhusara

I can wait for content if it means you'll be healthy and in a good place to actually keep making it.