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Hey guys! How are you all doing?
I'll be passing by to let you know our current numbers from the update as it stands right now.

Without further ado, here they are:
Line of codes: 4460
Renders: 254
Animations: 11
Audio & SFX: 19

We are now looking at about 6k to 7k lines for the final content of the update. I can't say for the renders yet as I primarily base my final amount of content on dialogues and codes combined.
I'm glad I was able to keep the same quality of renders and animations despite my butt irritating me most of the time. Nevertheless, this is going to be a huge and fun update!

Now, on the technical side of the game:
I want to ask you guys to go back to Chapter 1 - Episode 1 right before you ask Moon if you'll pick her up and make a save from there.

I apologize; I was too excited to release Part Two back then that I forgot to flag the choices. Those choices are supposed to keep or break you from Moon's route. Without those flags, you won't be able to see her content in this update. You'll surely miss a good chunk of content, then. And some extra juice bits. 😋

I'll also be introducing a new mechanic to the game:

Yes, this late to the story. 😅
It's like a mini-game, but at the same time... is it kind of not?
I want the game to feel like... well, a real game, so I'd like to see your reactions and opinions about it after the update is released. You don't have the option to disable it right now, but please don't worry; there won't be any consequences for now. Again, I would like to see your thoughts before finalizing the mechanic. We either keep it as it is, remove it, or give the option to disable it based on the overall opinion of the masses. I know some people don't like stuff like this, so I'm open to whatever you guys think of it.

Lastly, me heart and dick are extremely confused... 🤣

That's it for this status report! I'll be seeing you guys in the next preview!
Take care and have a nice day as always!

- NiiChan out




After I make the choice (I think I did offer to pick her up) and make the save, I can go back to where I left off at the choice for Emma's solo path?


(ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง not only you are confusing, Nii


I say give the option to disable/skip the mini-game regardless. Mini-games in VNs are highly polarizing because often the disrupt the flow of the story or sometimes they can even make the game unplayable on certain devices. Like having to find items in a time limit that are too small to differentiate on an Android device versus a playing on a PC. Either way, I trust you as a dev.


It doesn't matter if you go back to Emma's solo. As long as you have a save in the main harem route, that's all that matters. Just make a save before you offer to pick Moon up.


I made it so that even Android devices won't have any problem with it. But we'll see once people get to play it.


good too