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Alright, we sure got a handful to discuss here. But first, happy new year, everyone! And with that, let us start our journey once more this year. 

I've finished planning our entire roadmap for the year (I rested well, don't worry😅), and I can say we got a lot of big things coming in both games. So, we'll start by officially opening LCC's development, or should I say... Sicae, now.

Yes, I will re-brand LCC with a new title: Sicae(poniard or curved dagger in Latin).
I will keep the old title as a sub, as seen in the status update image above, to ensure everything is clear to the players outside the Patreon community. The reason why I re-branded the game is... let's face it, the old title was too generic and not much of an attention grabber. Aside from the obvious mistakes while making it, that might be one reason why LCC got less audience. So I would like to give this a shot.

If we take Sicae up with MBML regarding numbers and popularity, I will set the third project aside and bring back the 3-3 update cycle for the current games. I know this game faced a lot of shortcomings, but I'm still gaining hope.


Now, let's talk about improvements:
For the past few days, I have been improving the dialogues from Episodes 1 to 4, as I did with MBML last time. I mainly removed the over usage of words like "really" and "just". It was an old habit of mine, and they are making the dialogues wordy. I also improved the grammar, vocabulary, and conversation flow until the latest episode. Also, there was a specific lore about Ken(the other guy in the shared house) during Episode 1 that got changed. Check it out, as it will be one of the plot points in the story later. I was pleased with the result once it was finished!

Then, we have the character design improvements:
The old designs are on the left, and the new ones are on the right side.
I didn't change much from both characters, to be honest. But the hairs are the most noticeable change, as you can see.

- For Yuna, I did tweak her head size, eyes, eyebrows, and lip detail. She also got major body adjustments and minor skin and lip color adjustments.

- As for Lisa, the significant change in lip detail makes her almost like a new character. With that said, I didn't do any lip reshaping. It's just that her old lip detail makes it look flat. Like Yuna, she has also undergone significant body adjustments.

Although, I'm sure you won't notice the changes in both characters aside from their body build. I'd say... they are now solid. 😂
I might switch the hair designs back and forth when necessary. They are not all gone by any means.


I'm currently thinking of something regarding this update's roadmap.
Episode 4 ended with a very brief teaser about Lisa's past. And yes, the update will start with her backstory. This episode was initially planned to be a long one dedicated to her. Another movie-styled backstory, plus a continuation of their next mission on the current timeline. That alone will take two months to finish.

Now, we decided to reach Episode 7's story scope, if we can. That will likely impact Lisa's backstory, as I could only do much in one update.

I have a huge decision to make: Continue as initially planned for her backstory, or have it slightly summarized so we can proceed until Episode 7's story scope. Choosing the latter is a brand new challenge to keep the same emotional intensity while trying to make it brief. But, hey, we are always up for challenges! 😅

Aside from those options, I still have another idea in mind. But we will discuss that in the following status report. I won't take much of your time.


Give me your thoughts through the comments or you can DM me anytime!
That will be all for now! I'll see you on the next post!

Have a nice day, folks!




excited for what comes either way


go with your initial plan, Nii, I know it will be great :3


Love the changes. I don't think it was the name though, since I've also heard people say that they avoided MBML because they thought the name was stupid and that clearly didn't impact your numbers much.


I also wish you a happy new year. For me it doesn't sound quite like resting, but I trust your word. xD It's nice to see how much thought you put into it and that you also listen to the so far still small part of Sicae and continue that. I hope that with the changes and the new updates, a lot of new players will join. I definitely don't begrudge you, because your stories are just incredibly good. To your question regarding Lisa's backstory. I would be up for the challenge. For one thing, I think you can make even a shorter story very emotional, and for another, I think it would be better if you could continue on to the Episode 7 storyline. And a little challenge never hurt anyone, right? ;D


It was pretty much a hypothesis. But still, I'd like to give it a go, so we'll how it sums up. A lot of people still found the mbml's title interesting, though, despite of the minorities. The title alone raises questions and curiosity. 😅


I... rested... 🏃😅 Yeah, I'm also curious on how I would do regarding the latter option, tbh. As I'm still experimental in summarized stories. We kinda did that back in MBML Ep4 about Gwen's backstory.


Would vote for the initial plan. I would rather have her full story as you wanted to tell it. Even if it takes longer to get the full LCC in the end I think the end product would be worth it. The new name while keeping the LCC in could be a good move. That will be less confusing to people if LCC is still in it. I love LCC. The new models look great can't wait to see these new chapters.


That's right, and I thought it was pretty good. Not too long, it was all contained, you knew what she felt and definitely got to know her better. I'm also sure you'll find a way to outdo yourself again. You show that with every new episode. :)


I think the name change is brilliant. I am one of the people who wants equal work on both of your games so I am pleased that you are working on this and I want Lisa's full story please.