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Ladies and gents, we are back!
Or well... I am back.
I have been active on Discord for the past few days, but I tried to avoid doing any major work to ensure I'm fully healed when I get back to work.
So, what happened to me? Honestly, I have no idea. But it was the worst fever this year, coupled with severe headache and body pain. Thank god it wasn't Covid or anything. It might be my body finally telling me to get real rest. 😅
Thank you for all your support and for wishing me well.

Anyway, enough of me.
I'm still writing the story outline, but we are officially opening the development of Emma's solo ending! I sure hope you are ready for this. It will surely raise many questions, but I'll leave that to your imagination. 😂

That will be all for today. Stay tuned for more news! 
