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Hey there, lads and lasses! How's it going?
I'm still quite exhausted after that huge ass update, but I'm back to talk about a few things before I go into hibernation. Without further ado, let's start with the upcoming update, which is Emma's solo ending.

Now, note that this update isn't the biggest we'll ever make. I don't have this part on my storyboard, and I am making it up as I go. So I have no idea how long this update is going to take. After Prologue's episode 5, I have been getting a lot of requests to give her a solo ending. I believe she is worth the struggle, so here it is. Once again, I will pour my heart and soul into this one little update that you may perhaps call a side story already. 

To give you a proper insight about what's coming: Emma's ending will play at 2-3 parts that involve time skips. Of course, since it's short, and I wouldn't say I like to make you guys wait, you'll get them in a single release, unlike last time. Also, if you haven't made a save at that particular choice back in Prologue's episode 7, you might consider doing it now and remember to load there, not after Chapter 1's episode 1. One last thing I can tell you is that... maybe prepare yourselves. This one heavy choice will also have serious consequences. Is it game-wise? Emotionally? Your sanity, perhaps? Who knows? So think twice about playing this ending; I mean, think carefully. I'm not saying it to get you excited; I'm a hundred percent serious.

You think the game is easy, right? But I'm not going to make it easy for you to make your major decisions in this one and the future. 😈


Now, here we go. Onto the major announcement.
I know some of you may like it and some of you may not. But I don't like being pretentious so I'm going to be honest with you. 

I am putting LCC as a side project.

Yes, It's been going through my mind for quite a while now, but I have already decided. As I said, some of you may like it, and others may not, but I'm willing to take the risk and consequences this decision may cast upon me. As much as I hate to admit the truth, MBML is where the numbers, the audience, everything is at. I know some of you are onto LCC more than MBML, but seeing through the numbers each time LCC makes a release, it wasn't cutting it. But that's not the primary reason. I need to do this for my future projects, especially for what's left of my family. Some may not know, but it's just my 11-year-old brother and me. My mother passed away in 2016 due to cancer, and I lost my father while making MBML's episode 5 back in the prologue due to tuberculosis. It is tough, but my brother's future is all up to me alone. Aside from my close friend, who is also a developer, Ekko, who has been working with me closely, and my best friend, who was a former co-developer of both LCC and MBML, there's no one to lend us a hand. I can't even care about money if it's just me, but my brother's future does. That is why I'm bravely making this decision now, while it's early. 

Other than my family, what is pushing me to do this?
- My future projects. Some of you may know, but I can never post my current projects on Steam and have that passive income in the future when they're finished. I don't want to dive deeper into that, but it is what it is. So I want to finish MBML or at least get it close to ending as soon as possible and transfer to a different rendering engine for the next game. I don't want to push to DAZ3D and leave our current art style. I love the realism I can do with DAZ(I have been doing some renders with it lately), but I still prefer what Honey Select offers. So I recently discovered a way to transfer my models into Blender. I have never tried it yet, but I will experiment with it as soon as my rest days start. That way, I can do pretty much anything in there. I have a lot of options that Honey Select can't do. When I said "a lot" I meant a loooooot! There is no guarantee that this will work, but I'll try it. If it fails me, then I'll stick to Honey Select. But if it's a success, I will need a shit ton of funds for it. Either way, I still need to save up for the next project even if I have no way of getting out of Honey Select because it is a really gigantic game!

What did I mean when I said I'm putting LCC as a side project?
- Honestly, I'm not sure yet. All I know is that I should focus more on MBML now. I've already mentioned this a lot, but LCC is close to my heart, and I don't want to ignore it entirely. So I'm thinking of a 3-1 release cycle with MBML being the priority. I'll announce more about it soon, and even do a poll for it. But for now, let me know what you think in the comments and help me decide, or feel free to send me a DM.

Lastly, am I willing to drop LCC?
- If you guys decide so and is okay with it, then I'm willing to sacrifice LCC and entirely focus on MBML.

Anyway, I need your thoughts, so feel free to tell me what you have in mind.




PLEASE dont drop LCC entirely, if you need to go to 3-1 or something and see how that works or even just finish it after but its part of the saga and I personally like the characters even more. Doing two games at a time is hard im sure, even if LCC has to come after MBML that would preferable to abandoning it. 3-1, 4-1, complete it after, anything is better than it just dying.


I like LCC as well as MBML very much. I really enjoy your games. I will be sad when either one of them is finished. So I would say keep LCC as a side project if that’s possible for you. Also I am so very sorry to hear about your family. That is tragic! Obviously your family should come first so you do whatever is best for your brother. All the best to you and thanks for creating such fun games.


I always assumed that you'd eventually integrate the characters from both games into one unified package. You already have cameos showing that they share the same setting, so you have plenty of options. It would be a little complicated as a linear narrative with so many potential LIs, but there're methods that would help utilize such a large roster of characters. I'm interested to see what you develop regardless, but I can see how managing multiple projects can be extremely challenging.


Well, I had been waiting on trying LCC until you were going to work on it. Given how good MBML has been, I didn't want to dive in and get excited only to find out its going to be months before another release. With the poll up, I suppose I need to check it out now so I can give a fair response.


I can feel the turmoil that you are going through. I can only imagine the full extent of the weight you are carrying. Yes, your little brother must come first, that goes without saying. I always felt that you were developing two games at once to keep your mind fresh. So you wouldn't get burned out doing the grind month after month. My personal opinion is that LCC would be a good side project. You can always bring it back later sometime in the future. Many of us (myself included) have a vested interest in LCC and would not want to see it abandoned. However, that being said, the decision is ultimately yours, I will stand in your support no matter which way you go—Good Luck to you in all your endeavors.


Please don't abandon LCC entirely. I subscribe for both games and I am really looking forward to the day that they are both complete and can be played together to get the full experience of that world. I'm fine with any release schedule that works for you, but please finish LCC before you move on to other projects. Also, if it's not asking too much and you are willing to share, why can't you release your games on Steam? PS: Very sorry to hear about your family. I hope things go well for you and your brother. Family comes first.


Just to counterpoint the other comments, I generally prefer MBML, though I didn't hate LCC or anything. I will say I started out with MBML, so the darker, much more violent content was a bit unexpected to me. Not to say there's anything wrong with it, my expectations were just colored by MBML. While I hope you do get to finish LCC at some point, MBML is definitely my first choice. I would be fine with you putting LCC on the back burner long-term.


I've wondered, at times, if LCC was something in the way of a prequel to MBML, as some of the story refers to past events in LCC and it seemed some of the newer or younger characters were making appearances in MBML, so I looked at them as one narrative, more or less, in two parts. We all have experience with prequels appearing or being written after other parts of the story. Like the Star Wars movies, or "The Hobbit". which was written after "The Lord of the Rings. So I have no issues with LCC being completed or continued, whenever it works for you. It will still be an excellent story and game. Any way you want to do it, 3:1 or whatever. Family first and LCC, whenever.. As we said in my generation, just "Keep on Truckin'", your way.


I would absolutely love to have LCC continue on. I fell in love with the story and it ultimately guided me to becoming a patron. I do enjoy playing MBML and it also delivers a great story but I would love to see more from LCC in the future.


So it seems 3-1 wins the poll. We'll go with that. Unless 2/3 of the Patreon count suddenly votes for the first time. XD


While I understand LCC might not bring that much in terms of numbers compared to MBML. But the very fact that LCC is CONNECTED to it seems like it'd be a hole in the story at least for those of us that plays both. I'm saying this in knowing the characters of both side like to know how they're all connected when what we got in LCC doesn't tell us that so far compared to what MBML shows us.


Both games used Honey Select 2 as the render engine and technically all the models are kinda copyrighted by the Illusion company,which made HS2. So steam is not an option due to copyright issues


Makes sense, but I'm pretty sure there are other games on there that use the same models and are fine. Not sure what's up with that.


I believe that 3-1 would be the best because it’s always good to get a refresher on something different