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Dear lads, lasses, and friends,

2021 is soon coming to an end, and with it, the first year of this crazy adventure has finally been reached. With that said, I wanted to take the time to thank every single one of you for your continuous support and also to discuss the plan for the end of this year and what to expect for 2022.

I started this journey on September 26th 2020, and got my first two patrons on October 15th while working on a beat-up laptop that wasn't even mine. Now, one year later, I have the backing of 370 Patrons, the constant support of 3148 Discord members, six crazy staff members helping out, and my personal rig to produce faster, better, and with less worry the game you came to know and love.

Words fall short of expressing how genuinely grateful I am for you guys to have given me the chance and means to express my creativity through both LCC and MBML, so from the bottom of my heart: Thank you.

Besides the undying support you have shown me, the latest reactions and feedback I have read and gotten both in public and private regarding the release of MBML Episodes 5 and 6 have been crazy. From personal comments of people impacted by Emma's story, to players relating to the hardship of Lily, there are no better rewards for a developer than seeing he has managed to reach his player base to the deepest level, and those reactions are the fuel I need to keep surpassing myself. But don't you worry lads and lasses, we are just getting started.

With Christmas and my birthday coming next month, I plan to take some time off for a month to spend it with my close friends and family and start 2022 with a bang. Don't worry though, I still plan to use that time to refine my writing skills, learn how to use the new tools we got properly, prepare the rest of the plot for LCC and MBML, and much more that I can't wait to show to you.

However, what I can share with you right now is that I decided to rework the Patreon tiers slightly. Indeed, after many thoughts about it, I believe it was time to make them fairer and provide a better deal for your money, particularly for the release schedule.

Thus, moving forwards, the tiers will be reorganized as such :

Diamond: Beta version as soon as all the contents are finished

Platinum: 10 days before public release

Gold: 7 days before public release

Silver: 5 days before public release

Bronze: 2 days before public release

Remember that this isn't carved in stone yet though, and I would love to hear what you think about it. Don't hesitate to share your thoughts, ideas, and more you might have in mind here on Patreon or on the Discord server.

That's it for now guys, thank you so much once again for your trust and support, I won't let you down. Stay tuned, stay healthy and see you very soon!





Have some rest Nii and we will have an awesome 2022🥰


Get some good rest and may the 2022 be the best year for all of us. Thanks for your work!

Steven W.

I personally appreciate it when a dev anounces a new version publicly, meaning that adding him to my "following" list is enough and I'll receive notifications for free (no tier selected). Ideally, I'd see a public post when the $10 version drops (which is the highest amount I'd pay, if I am really eager). Should also include info on how many days later the public version will be released, so I can decide whether to wait or not. I freely admit that these preferences are closely linked to how I use Patreon -- I follow about 25 devs, but don't have the money to support everyone all the time. Getting informed is nice, so I don't have to scroll through all individual pages. When I have some free time, I just want to check whether any of the devs has new stuff. ~~ Have a nice time off!


Good for you to be taking time to enjoy your birthday and the holidays. We appreciate all you do. The last two updates have been so amazing that I'm (almost :-)) at a loss for words. The stories are well thought out, and I find myself becoming rather emotional about the characters and their struggles. I'm glad to be one of your supporters.


Yes We will do that now too. That was an awesome suggestion by the way. Thanks, mate.


I firstly get to know this game from a Chinese ACG lover's group, someone shared the Chinese version of MBML and I immediately get attracted by the story and girls performance. Then I decided to support the dev of this game started from July until now. I have a wonderful trip with all lovely and kindful members on Discord with our big brother NiiChan, who has infinite potential on developing VN games and playwriting. In the next year, I will keep supporting you in order to see what fascinating works you will produce and how you make us empathize with these characters. ❤Hope you enjoy the break time~

Steven W.

Hey, you're one of the nicest devs, so I gladly give some advice. ;) There is this one guy who makes his public and paid versions deliberately incompatible (savegames are not interchangeable) so that you always have to stick to the paid tier. Sure enough, I won't pay him anything because he kind of undermines the free spirit of Patreon. One of the best features of Patreon is that you can pay according to your own available budget, and depending on your own criteria. I factor in several things, for example small devs in precarious financial situations get more money from me than the big ones. This freedom is what Patreon is built upon.


Always open to suggestions and feedbacks. Don't hesitate to drop it in the comments or directly send me a message. 😃


Hi=) Really enjoying the game, but I was wondering about a song in the game. I can't find any list of the songs, so I'm asking here. What song is it that is playing during Emma's birthday party=)? Hope it's ok that I ask here=)




Thanks for creating these amazing games, Nii. You deserve all you have (and even more) and totally deserve this next month off. Enjoy your time, I hope you have an amazing holidays. Keep the great work, Nii.


It has been truly amazing to watch you grow as a dev over this past year and I am glad to have been along for the ride. Thank you for all you have done and for all you will eventually do. Please do, take some time to enjoy the holidays and relax, you've earned it. I been around since November of last year when you sent me a message after I posted my review of LCC and I don't plan on going anywhere. I'm still interested in watching how LCC and MBML progresses. Take care, and much love.


Have wonderfull holydays! Your games are amazing! Best wishes!


By the way, does anyone know where can I get time machine? Need to skip couple of months


Many years after graduation,I learn English with your game now.