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Alright, we're all done with Day 1's dialogues and it's time to do the renders for it. Currently, we're at [1,040] lines of dialogues. The whole update is estimated to go at least 4000 lines with four in-game days, but I have no idea how much will be the total lines of codes yet(probably 7000 or more). So yeah, this update is big and will probably take more than just a month to finish. I hope you guys are okay with that.

We need to progress with almost all girls in this episode before focusing with one girl on episode 7 again. I feel that if we kept on focusing on one girl each episode, the rest will get left out. Tons of fun stuff and probably some emotional parts. 😅
But most part will be fun, trust me. 🤣
I'll post a preview in a couple of days, so stay tuned.

I'm planning to incorporate a couple of 2D art for special images this episode. I recently hired an artist to do it for us. I also contacted an artist who will do commissioned  background tracks for the game too, but there's no confirmation or news about that yet. It's pretty hard to find an artist who's cool with being associated to adult industry. I'm aiming to have tracks that we can call our own, so I really want this to happen. If anybody knows an artist who does commissions for adult games, please contact me.

A new teeth mod was released recently for Honey Select 2. I found it pretty good as it looks very realistic! I'm planning to use it, but I think I should show you first and see what you guys think.  Although unfortunately, the mod doesn't support Emma's face type so the asset doesn't work on her teeth, but I think she's fine the way she is right now. Please tell me if it's a go or a no go. (Take a look at the pictures of each character above)

That's all for today's update! Please take care and have a nice day ahead, everyone!




Hope everything keep going well and remember to get some rest too :3


I personally think the teeth are good.


It looks great indeed! Take your time whit everything, it will be an amazing update for sure. Keep the great work :)