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** This is just a one shot story that fell out of my brain. Hope you all enjoy it! **

Geoff had been trying to get with me all night, and I was kinda pissed off. Bailey's party had been something I'd looked forward to for weeks, and it was all ruined by a stupid lovesick boy who was too stupid to take a hint. I mean fuck, I'd said over and over that I wasn't interested in relationships or hooking up, but he thought he was different.

My heart soared when Kay, drunk but ever observant, called me over to the small sofa and shifted to give me room.

"Got a shadow tonight, huh?" She grinned, her dark brown eyes almost black in the dim light of the garage.

Kay was one of those people who was effortlessly cool, but didn’t flaunt it, and she had been since freshman year of high school. We were in college now, but it was basically just high school two, at least in our tiny midwestern town.

I mean, why go hundreds of miles away when our little town had one of the best colleges for several states in every direction? Unfortunately, it meant that everyone knew everyone, and if you had a boy you wanted to avoid… well, let’s just say that it never worked.

"Ugh, yup," I huffed, then snapped my mouth shut as the shadow in question began moving towards us.

"Ladies!" He grinned, listing to the left like a car with a blown tire. "Any space for me?"

"This is clearly a two person couch, dude," Kay replied dryly.

Her words bounced off his thick skull with a hollow thunk. "I'm sssure we ca'an make space," he slurred.

"No, we can't," Kay replied bluntly, her intelligent gaze sharpening like a blade. "Fuck off dude, go throw up in a bush or something."

"Tha-ats... Not very nice," he frowned, almost going cross eyed as he tried to follow something only he could see.

Kay barked a mirthless laugh. "I'm not a nice person. Now, go away."

"Bitch," he muttered, mercifully swaying off in the direction of the house.

"Oh my god," I whispered, turning to stare at my friend. "Thank you!"

"My pleasure," she said, almost with a purr. "Nothing I like more than cock blocking dumbass dudes like him."

"Nothing?" I frowned, blinking rapidly as a series of thoughts swirled just out of reach. "Not even, like, making out, or sex?"

"Okay, those are definitely better," she smiled, and leaning in towards me with a conspiratorial wink, she continued, "It's definitely in my top ten things, though."

I found myself giggling at her wink, then my body sort of slid sideways. My shoulder fell against hers with a gentle bump, but I was too happy and tipsy to retreat from the touch. Plus, I mean, we were good enough friends now that we could lean on each other, right. I hoped so. Kay was so cool. Pretty too! Everyone thought so.

"Some kisses probably aren't as good though," I mumbled, staring at her amazing, curving, soft lips. God, she was probably a real good kisser.

"I mean, I like to think I am," she grinned, dark eyes shining with mischief.

I blinked. "Oh, I said that out loud, huh?"

"Was it meant to be a private thought?" She asked quietly, leaning in towards me.

"Yeah," I breathed. She was close now, so close that her breath, which smelled like strawberries and vodka, was warming my own lips.

"Have you ever kissed a girl, Gem?" She asked, so quietly I heard her as much with my eyes as with my ears.

I shook my head. She was so pretty. How was she so pretty? Had she always been this pretty? I giggled, of course she had. She broke a dude's heart like every other week. They kept asking her and she kept turning them down.

"Would you like to?" She asked, getting closer still.

Wait. Hold on. Was she suggesting...?

"It... might be fun," I said, surprising myself. It was true though. She was so pretty, and her lips looked so kissable. Plus, her smokey eye shadow and long lashes were doing things for me that didn't seem... I mean, how could I say no when I was watching them flutter open and closed like a documentary on rare butterflies? I definitely didn't want to say no. I wanted to say yes. So say yes then dumbass??

I leaned forward, until our lips were almost touching, but I was suddenly frozen by a wild hammering sound. What was that- oh, my heartbeat.

"Are you sure?" I mumbled, hoping that she'd make up the rest of the distance between us, even as my nervous breath fluttered in and out of my lungs. “We’re at a party with tons of people, they’ll talk…”

“Do I look like I care?” she chuckled, her tone diving low and seductive. “My brothers will fuck their shit up if anyone causes trouble, after all. For me, or for you.”

“Really?” I breathed, licking my lips.

Her smile was hungry. “Oh yeah, really. They know I have… different tastes, they’ll chill with it.”

I couldn’t speak now, but my arms worked. I lifted one and tentatively touched her neck, just at the cusp of where her thick black hair began. So soft, oh my god, so soft.

Not nearly as soft as her lips though, which had been pressed to mine. Tingling sensation rippled out through my body from the contact, settling at the small of my back, in tips of my fingers, and at the apex of my thighs.

I moaned softly and shifted, trying to get more contact with the girl who was becoming more and more alluring by the minute. Her hand was up in my fluffy blonde hair, tugging at the pins and clips that were keeping it up. Strong fingers pulled me closer, deepening the pressure of the kiss even as her tongue lapped briefly against my lips.

Quivering, I opened my mouth to her, hesitantly seeking to feel more of her. Dimly, I was aware of catcalls and wolf whistling, but Kay just took my free hand and threaded our fingers together. The message was clear, the pervs could get lost, this was about us and us alone.

Her tongue feathered mine with its touch, and my thoughts were scattered to the wind once more. Oh god, it felt so good. I’d been right. She was a fucking amazing kisser.

All too soon, Kay backed away to give me a flushed, lopsided grin. “Well?”

“Holy shit,” I whispered, matching her smile with mine. “I guess that’s what kissing is supposed to feel like?”

“Yeah, something like that,” she laughed, rolling her eyes and casting a not so subtly derisive look in the direction of Geoff. He was staring at us from across the garage with two of his mates, but when they saw us look, they all piled back through the door and into the main house.

“Did you see the look on his face?” I giggled, turning back to her. “He’s so pissed!”

Her expression fell, my words causing a frown to crease her gorgeous face. “Gem, I think you should stick beside me for the rest of the night, okay?”

I tilted my head in question. “Why?”

“He has a reputation,” was all she said, before pasting a smile back on. “Anyway, would you like to keep going?”

The next morning, I groaned and tried to stretch, my head thumping with a dull headache. A warm body got in the way, and I twitched, surprised. Huh? Where was I? Who was I laying on top of?

Blinking to clear the sleep from my eyes, I found myself on a thin mattress spread across the floor of Bailey’s living room. I zeroed in on who I was with, slowly drinking in the wild, messy black hair, and the dark eyes still soft with sleep. Kay.

“Hey,” she murmured, pushing up a little to kiss at my neck.

I choked on air and froze for a second as everything that had happened last night came rushing back. Kay and I had hooked up, and in front of everyone. Thankfully we still had our clothes on, although my dress had hiked up my waist, leaving my lacy black underwear on full display to her.

“You okay?” she asked, running a hand down my thigh. The touch sent goosebumps racing down my arms and legs.

I nodded, trying to speak but only succeeding in getting out a sort of funny squeaking sound.

“You’re so cute,” she laughed, glancing around us at the house.

It was trashed, and we weren’t the only ones who’d crashed here rather than go home. Bailey had let any of the girls who wanted to stay do so, but had kicked all the guys out on their asses. The girl was like five feet tall at most, but she was a titan that you did not fuck with. Well, no, that wasn’t true. You didn’t mess with her. She had a reputation for unashamedly getting all the boy candy she wanted, so I guess a lot of people fucked with her.

As if summoned by my thoughts of her, the blonde nympho trotted over to us with two cups of coffee and a wild grin on her face. “So, you found a way to get rid of that blood sucking tick?” she asked, handing one coffee to Kay, then the other to me.

“I guess so,” I blushed, sharing a glance with the girl whose legs were still tangled with mine. “I um… I think I have a lot to think about.”

“I’m sure you do,” Bailey laughed. Somehow, her blue eyes darkened with lust, despite how bright and piercing they were. “I have a little secret for you both, by the way. Myself and the other girls have a little… club that we started. I think you’ll enjoy the type of activities we get up to.”

“What kind of club?” Kay and I both asked, even our suspicious tone matching up. We grinned at each other for a moment. Wow, I’d known this chick was cool, but I actually really liked her! Maybe we could step up from friendly acquaintances to actual friends? I wonder if I had her number?

“Let’s just say… we study the bible,” Bailey said with a sly, suggestive wink, before she stood and took a few steps back. “You both have my number, hit me up, yeah?”

“It’s totally a sex club,” Kay muttered when she’d left us alone. "Or whatever you call it."

My eyebrows shot up. “Are you going to… you know, go?”

“Only if you do,” she replied, black eyes twinkling.

I gulped, but couldn’t tear my eyes off her. Oh gosh, oh geez. Was I actually considering this? A sex club? What the hell was a sex club even? “Okay… so we go together, then.”

“Sounds good to me, Gem. Maybe I’ll get to be your first?” she asked, biting her lip and watching me from over her coffee mug.

I almost choked, and had to carefully place the sloshing cup of hot liquid down on the carpet.

“That… would be fun.”



Me like dat






Another exciting chapter from the recesses of your imaginative mind. Thanks!


Aaaand my head is blood-rushing again. 😅


Dark haired girls ^_^


Wow that was.. Just wow!