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She throws it with everything she's got, her powerful thighs driving all her weight into it. The man cries out in pain as the woman's tan gloved missile almost lifts him off the canvas. Her fist goes deep under his ribs, sending an explosion of sweat over her, covering her already drenched body. The man's legs wobble as his upper-body travels up and then starts to come down...




Oof is that it for him? It’s amazing how he maintained his focus for this long considering that a woman’s beauty is a major distraction. They say men are emotionless, but the male character, just like any man, seems to be fighting 3 battles: her, his mixed feelings, and his own lust/inner demon. On the surface, this is mixed boxing. But Idk why the art gives me a feeling like there is something stirring or boiling beneath. Good sportsmanship for sure, but also perhaps feelings of intimacy or sexual tension. Or maybe just a platonic connection, which I doubt. The art you have been creating is nothing but pure skill and talent. Amazing.


Taking that amount of punishment after such a hard fight is impressive but that uppercut is going to drive the air out of lungs and it’s sending him to the canvas

Brad Janus

OOOLLFF!!! what a power body shot!!! Awesome looking picture


You called it well! Now he must decide if he has the heart to continue. He has 10 seconds to do it!


Thank you! I've been excited about doing this one, it's been storyboarded for when we got to this point for a while (though I never know how something will turn out until I actually do it)... I wanted this picture to depict a devastating blow.