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Back again so soon? Didn't you just get done telling me how much you want to worship and adore me? I think at this point its safe to say you're a little fucking obsessed. <3

This file features no awakener, a little bit of name calling and friendly bullying too! The end of the file has JOI with Cum Instruction. Also, There's an ad for this lovely Patreon page at the end of this file :) feel free to ignore it because you're already here. THANK YOU, puppy, for all your positive feedback and support. I hope you enjoy~


John Douglass Films

this definitely was a big step up from the past files especially in terms of all the details and subtle touches. the snaps and pops hit so much harder than i thought they would and turned my mind to complete mush. i can also never overstate how well these are put together and how great the callbacks and repeated trigger usage are, especially the conditioning. the ending was a bit unexpected which caught me off-guard, some more info on it any active participation needs to happen or if some details about what happens in the file (with a spoiler warning of course) would definitely be very helpful, especially when it comes to safety and being reassured. as a whole tho, an absolutely mind-blowing experience, loved every single bit of it. can't wait to listen to it over and over again.


I 100% agree! Thank you so much for the feedback. In hindsight I should have considered being more clear with the contents :x I'm very flattered that you like my file so much to analyze it like this. Its good to know hours of work pay off^^ While editing, the snaps and pops send me into trance pretty quick hahaha Nice to have a little bit of praise and some much needed constructive feedback, too. I'm happy to hear you enjoyed my work, I hope to be in your ears again soon, puppy <3

Daniel Perez

This file literally broke my brain! Nice job Goddess!