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Hello everyone! I hope your holidays were whatever you each needed them to be, and in the absence of such, I hope that as we swing into a new year, joy and goodness and levity find you all. 

This year, I'd really like to have more coloured and painted pieces. Outside of my comic coloring work (would you guys want to see some of that?), I don't think I got to dabble in any painting outside the quick thumbs I did for those Ellie pieces. I have paintings I desperately want to finish, and more I dearly want to create. The year, for me, feels very naked and blurry already - I have a poor sense of what it will be, what it can be, but I hope it's a good thing rather than a bad! 

I plan to bring polls back, and after a lot of thought, I believe switching back and forth between Character prompts and Kink prompts will be the most fun! I want to make more fanart! I want to make more original art! I want to color and I want to play with new brushes and I want, most of all, to make more art! 

Along with that, at some point, I will quietly mirror everything here to a subscribestar as a backup. I don't plan to leave Patreon at all, but if the last decade of the internet has taught us anything, it's that payment processors will change what they will and won't allow on a whim. That's the less fun part of surviving on the internet in an age of puritanical surge. 

Now? Off to post some recent commissions! 


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