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Hello all! I hope you've all been well, staying safe and fed. I wanted to pop in to talk a little bit about plans for the months going forward.

Creativity and energy, for me, both comes in cycles, and there are some months where those cycles move asynchronously. Alongside that, I have obligations in the form of contract work and commissions (not to mention all the other life things!). 

September is going to be full of commissions, color work for Indigents, and some behind the scenes work. This last exclusive took a lot out of me, mostly for how long I spent on it, and that's entirely on me! Learn to tell yourself no! All that to say that, for the sake of sustaining myself and avoiding burn out, I plan to pivot a little bit this month and potentially next. While I won't dedicate myself to one large exclusive, I instead aim to work a little bit on lots of different things - sketches, studies, paintings, wips that have sat long abandoned. And some time to rest too! 

I understand that may not be what you signed on for, so please, as always, know there's no offense or bother if you step away from supporting me. I owe it to you all to let you know what's cookin' in this noggin of mine! Thank you for reading, and, as always, be well <3