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Hey all my wonderful patrons! First off, let me thank you again for all the love and support you guys have given me, it's really meant a lot. I realize I could be doing more to interact and give back to you guys, so I'm opening the doors for exclusive Q&A videos for you guys!

Basically, you can ask any question you want on any subject, you can ask for my thoughts on certain subjects, questions about me, whatever really interests you, and I'll make a semi-regular videos answering them. Nothing's off the table except maybe super personal stuff. I may put a few of them up publicly a month or more afterwards, just to show the world what they're missing, but most of them will just be between us. :)

So, if you have any questions you're dying to ask me, go ahead and post them in the comments, and I'll make a video answering them about a week from now. Thank you all again for your support!


Robert Hedley

Which Aninorphs review is your favourite? Which non-Animorphs review is your favourite? Are there any book series, besides Harry Potter, that you'd really like to review?


Do you feel Animorphs contributed to the growth of the furry fandom immediately following the series' run?